Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

If a potential buyer is reading this, I recommend reading the conclusion paragraph first.

If this is someone who has purchased and played this game already, I want you to add any more bugs/recommendations to the list in the comments.

Game-Breaking Bugs

-When the AI jumps, it results in them gaining essence (two turns of sleep) while the player loses essence for jumping.

-When using a ranged weapon, the only way to access your inventory for potions is if you get close to the enemy that only allows access to inventory if out of range, which for a bow is anywhere but in close range.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Turn-Based Combat Games.

Well okay, first time ill write a long review.

I have played around 20 hours and gotta say it wasnt bad, like the game could be really good IF there wasnt so much buggs like holy sh*t!

I know its hard making games by only yourself, trust me, Im also a solo game developer but you should instead of making 3 or 4 games focus on one or two untill its stable and as good as it can be. Just my thoughts…

Well now Im going to talk about the game.

The story is great and just like s&s2. Some people dont like the graphics but i think its cool. The weapons could been in a better quality doe cause they are kinda blurry and upscaled it feels like. Sad cause the characters and armor quality looks great.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux on Steam