One Finger Death Punch 2

One Finger Death Punch 2

Interested in some “Carpal tunnel Syndrome”?

but more on that later.

Goodness gracious, what a fantastic little game this is!

Initial impressions and sentiments:

At first, the prequel had me so engulfed, the improved iteration seemed imminent but yet my impatience had the better of me and in order to expedite the process, I was prompted to send an email of appreciation along with a wish - The response affirmed what had been foreseen.

To my pleasure, it had a significant face lift, improving upon every conceivable aspect, qualifying it as a worthy successor that deserves investment, especially if the first had been delightfully savored.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

it’s a lot of fun, just like the first, but I’m gonna have to give it a thumbs down because it’s as much of a downgrade as an upgrade, unfortunately. many things have been fixed since release, some of it was baffling, the way the map ‘worked’, for example, but it’s still not a straight-up improvement over the first game. the map looks better, but it’s inconsistent, some exits lead to the same place, some don’t, you can’t use numpad enter to start levels or bypass popups, just the regular one, sometimes the exit button wants to exit the game, sometimes it’s used to back out of a menu, and instead of simple left/right clicking to add/remove skills, like in the first game, you have to click on the add/remove buttons at the top for no reason other than the fact that in 5 years since the first game they haven’t learned a single thing about ui design.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

One Finger Death Punch 2 on Steam

One Finger Death Punch

One Finger Death Punch

I would not have discovered this game if I hadn’t watched jacksepticeye play it on Youtube, and as soon as I saw gameplay of it, and saw that it was only $5, I knew I had to get it, and 90 hours of playtime later, I can safely say that it’s perhaps the best five dollars I’ve ever spent.

One of my favorite types of games are games that are simple to learn, difficult to master, and rank you on how well you did. One Finger Death Punch, Flappy Bird, Spin Copters, Electronic Super Joy, all of them very simple (and cheap) games that I’ve put more hours in than I’ve put into any other type of game. But like every game, even one as good as I think One Finger Death Punch is, there were some hiccups.

Real player with 113.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.


(Full review follows below)

  • Game Name: One Finger Death Punch

  • Original Release: 2014

  • Genre Tags: Innovative; Avant-Garde; Fast-Paced; Action; Simplistic; Casual

  • My Overall Grade: A

  • Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 10-40 hours

  • Multiplayer Aspect: None

  • Recommended To: Established fans of the genre; Those intrigued by the genre; Novelty seekers; Avant-garde enthusiasts; Casual gamers


Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

One Finger Death Punch on Steam