Rag Doll Kung Fu

Rag Doll Kung Fu

Amazing fighting game with responsive physics and bullet time slowdowns. Still one of the most unique games in my library. The reviews don’t do it justice, this game went over most heads due to the difficulty curve and was rightly criticised for being abandoned by Mark Healey when he went on to develop little big planet.

Ignore my playtime, we battered this game before records began


  • smooth ragdoll physics creates amazing combat sequences

  • weapons, bullet time and magic from your fingertips

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Multiplayer Games.

To all People Who Want To Buy This:RETURN.NOW. DONT WASTE 10 EURO ON THIS GAME…

The Game’s Fully Abandoned,It Was In Work For A Few Years,And There’s No Multiplayer.

The Story’s Meh,Combat System Feels Weird,No Advice,And And And…

I acutally paid for this…Im Not Happy,But it’s Ooookkaaay.

If you want to use this as an Review in the Internet,Try it.

Yet there are no real features…there are many missing ones,And Such…If you want to support someone who gave up on this game,buy it.If Not,Then Waste Your Money On Hats In TF2 Or Something Like That.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Rag Doll Kung Fu on Steam

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

It sure is nice to have a new beat em up to play. They don’t make too many of these anymore. I particularly like the tie in to the excellent Cobra Kai netflix series. Unlike the show, don’t expect this to have any good writing (save for the genuinely funny one liners that the characters have after winning a fight). This is purely a fighting game, one that is clearly a loving homage specifically to the Streets of Rage series. It’s both better and worse than Streets of Rage 4, which I’ll get in to later. Everyone you run across in the street from hippies to mothers to emo kids are all inexplicably out for your blood, which is funny in its own regard. Sometimes characters will provide humorous meta commentary on this. Every character of note in the netflix series is either playable or is a boss in some level. Cobra Kai has fire powers while Miyagi Do has ice powers. Tone wise, it’s far more light and irreverent than the show; it does not take itself seriously in the slightest. Some might find this off-putting, but subjectively this works quite well.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Fighting Games.

Loved the Karate Kid movies when I was young, I did not really follow the Cobra Kai series but I’m guessing it’s as cheesy as the movies, if not more. There is no lack of cheesiness in this game, that’s for sure.

Beat ‘em Up games also give me those nostalgic feelings of back in the day when I used to play games like; Golden Axe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV, Fighting Force, Double Dragon and Streets Of Rage to name a few.

Graphically, I can’t say the game is gorgeous but it also didn’t really bother me that much. It actually made me think of another Beat ‘Em up “Double Dragon Neon” , a game which I couldn’t get into.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues on Steam



With multiple character archetypes to choose from, beautifully crafted 2D art, and a simplified attack system that allows players to focus on reading their opponents rather than memorizing combinations, Dextrissimi allows beginners to face-off against veteran fighters on an even playing field in a true test of instinct and skill!

Seven fighters from different nationalities come forth to prove their skill. Each character has a different play style, but they all follow the same conventions allowing players to explore their options and pick what feels best for them.

There are a couple of game modes to explore:

  • Arcade pits players against the toughest of champions from their respective regions.

  • Versus tests players’ skills against each other in a battle to determine the strongest champion (and of course, bragging rights).

This game is heavily neutral based; You have 4 face buttons that each execute attacks accordingly, leading to an easier to understand approach when engaging the opponent. Furthermore, there are no health bars. That’s right, in this game if you get hit once, you’re dead. This leads to high-octane, fast-paced and intense matches where one move can assure certain victory, or ultimate despair.

Key Features:

  • Play as characters from around the world with distinct abilities

  • Quick, engaging battles for anything from a casual session to fierce tournaments

  • Manuscript aesthetic and hand-drawn characters/scenery

  • Straightforward battle system with ruthless one-hit elimination creates exciting moments of tension

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

Dextrissimi on Steam

Raging Fists: Retribution

Raging Fists: Retribution

please checkout this game

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Tekken 8

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Raging Fists: Retribution on Steam

Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow

Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow

Great old-school fighting game with real martial art elements. All though the fun didn’t last long as the game is a bit too short, I can say that I really enjoyed playing it.

In my opinion, for the price of 10€, it should have been longer. I’d also would have liked to see more authentic techniques. Otherwise the RPG elements were nice, some might say that leveling is bit repetitive but I think it was done well. I don’t regret paying 10€ for it, but I’d say because it’s short and I don’t think I’m going to play it through again, it should be more around 5-7€.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Rating: ★★★★☆

(A very good but somewhat grindy fighting game)



Karate Master 2 is a semi-realistic fighting game.

The game has real-life martial arts moves only - no throwing fireballs or jumping 5 meters up in the air. There’s no super powers here - just two guys with their fists and feet.

Graphics-wise it’s like a SNES / PS1 era fighting game, the fighters and arenas look very nice, as does the training mini-games.

I really like the art-style of the game, with one exception - The dialogue portraits. They look quite awful to be honest, but otherwise it strikes a nostalgia vein very well.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow on Steam



it is a really cool game I recommend 8/10

(100000/10 considering price)

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

A neat endless beat ‘em up with a little bit of mobile rhythm game DNA that wears its influences on its sleeve.

It’s a little buggy in places, but that’s easy to forgive considering this is the developer’s first game and the pricetag.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game


Kings of Kung Fu

Kings of Kung Fu

Here it is! My follow-up review is finally ready:


Video Transcript:

Hello viewers! Welcome to a special episode of A Bird’s Eye View. My name is Endeavor, and today we are revisiting Kings of Kung Fu. It’s been six months since I first reviewed this game, and now that it’s out of Early Access, let’s see how it holds up.

The story mode in Kings of Kung Fu remains largely unchanged. The player takes control of a stunt-person looking to become an action star. A man named Red Ronin organizes a tournament that offers the winner that very opportunity. All you have to do is defeat the other fighters.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Yes at time of this review I’ve only played 15 minutes but I just had to write a quick review now to counter the last 2 reviews that were negative (before that most were all positive). There was some mention of it being like a platforming game and too much jumping. Well before I bought this game I did look at some u-tube videos of it and I could see no evidence of that. On the contrary, when playing this game it has less jumping than most other martial arts fighting games that I have played. The ususal cheap trick is to somersault in kick punch and back out. That doesn’t work here. In Kings of Kung Fu there is a lot of side to side punching it out and blocking more like the movies it’s based on. It thus plays a lot better. The other great thing about this game was how close the contests can be, right down to the wire. Makes for some nerve racking fights. First time in on normal difficulty level and using a keyboard I won my first 2 fights (second one very close) and the third against a monk, kicked his butt in first round and then he won the next 2 in very close shaves. It was pure fun and a pleasure to play. I will definitely be going back for more. A great game and it’s not even finished yet! I highly recommend this game if you like fighting games. If you love kung-fu then don’t even think twice, just buy it. It plays superbly.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Kings of Kung Fu on Steam

Castle Of Collapse

Castle Of Collapse

Bruh, the game kicked me because i was too bad.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Nice Game, but what do i need to do to get the Achivements?

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Castle Of Collapse on Steam

Fighters Legacy

Fighters Legacy

Having been a major fan of Shaolin Vs. Wutang Vs. The World, I found a home with this game. As with Shaolin Vs. Wutang, the martial arts depiction is solid, maybe even more so than previously. The fighting mechanic is a little bit different, but the same in regards to it being easy to grasp. People who don’t frequent fighting games very much should have little trouble picking this up and learning any fighter. Combat is responsive an satisfying, especially when you figure out how to string along each character’s combos. Colorful, lively stages, a killer independent soundtrack, and 15 playable characters that will scream familiarity to old- school Martial Arts film fans. If you enjoyed Shaolin Vs. Wutang, grab this game! Mr. Jae Lee has taken what he’s built in that game and made it even better! As of this review, the game is still in Alpha stages, but if it looks and feels this good early- on, one can only assume it will only get better from here!

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Overall a nice concept. Each character represents a martial art/combat sport and they’re based on popular figures such as Mike Tyson, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Tong Po, etc.


  • Cool graphics.

  • Simple strings and combos.

  • Nice animations.

  • For martial arts enthusiasts.

  • Compelling AI!

  • All the typical single play modes: arcade, survival, team mode, time, etc.


  • Zero interaction with stages.

  • Some of the reported bugs found in practice mode were never patched.

  • No multiplayer whatsoever.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Fighters Legacy on Steam

Shaolin vs Wutang

Shaolin vs Wutang

TL:DR This game is easy fun and the best money I have ever spent on a fighting game.

JaeLee is a one person army who is giving Capcom and SNK and Sega a run for their money.

Long version

This game is extremely customizable both graphically, in terms of difficulty level, and in terms of the game play. All the basic moves are availabe in an in game help screen and very useful.


There is a basic graphics level screen with a low to high pc scale setting and resolution, and a more advanced settings screen for those who want to poke around and customize. There is also one grahical setting “Battle Damage” in the games settings screen which I recommend turning off if your fights lag.

Real player with 218.1 hrs in game

Now THAT is what I call a cool game. As a big fan of the good old martial arts movie classics, I instantly had to buy it when I found out about Shaolin vs Wutang.

The art style is just beautiful, incredibly well done, and when looking at the characters (18 in total and more to come) and their specific Kung Fu styles, I feel like being in one of those kick-♥♥♥ flicks I loved to watch as a kid and now as an adult. And come on, who didn’t wish to be able to fight like that? Now here is your chance. Amazing moves are available, worthy of the Golden Harvest era.

Real player with 166.8 hrs in game

Shaolin vs Wutang on Steam