Daily Espada

Daily Espada

Daily Espada is a small gem, a 2D action with gameplay very dynamic and entertaining.

In the game there are many upgrades and extras such as super attacks, new combos etc.

Very beautiful boss battles, in maximum difficulty becomes truly play difficult, but still VERY fun!

In short, a game that does not cost much, and it provides a solid gameplay and fun!

I recommend it, and it’s a shame to see so few reviews, because the game is worth so much!


(Below is the Italian full review)

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Hack and Slash Games.

Slashing Brazilian folklore monsters and bosses, saving the world and making your family rich in the wierdest game show ever? Sign me up. The game is short by my accounts. Graphics are dark and unique, but also can lead to some visual confusion. Not greatness, but fun, short, but enjoyable.



and here:


Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Daily Espada on Steam

Mineirinho Wildtides DC

Mineirinho Wildtides DC

Mlehor jogo da historia kkkkkkkkk

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Roguelite Games.

I lost my virginty to this game. I was a little scared at first, but i managed to carry on.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Mineirinho Wildtides DC on Steam



I was a backer of this project and have play-tested the early builds before the developer has announced that this game is going to be published by Neowiz. If you really want to see the game that pushes the limitation of stamina-action game mechanics (AKA souls-like), You guys need to play this game. Imagine someone mixed Hyper Light Drifter, Sekiro, 3D Ninja Gaiden, and Tekken in an iron pot and condensed it into 5~8 hour game. Definitely one of the best action games in 2021, even without the context that this game was developed by one person for five years.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Indie Games.


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? No, I don’t think so, at least not for everyone. It is a very combo-focused, fast action RPG. The pixel art is good (your character and enemies are quite small), but the combat is something to get used to. You won’t get very far with just normal attacks, you really need to learn those combos and execute them lightning fast and with good aim. If you like that, and normal button mashing combat is too easy or repetitive for you, then take a closer look at this game. You will not be disappointed.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Unsouled on Steam

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

it has Neko-Arc so play it.

Real player with 87.4 hrs in game

Neko-Arc Chaos is my spirit animal

Real player with 57.2 hrs in game

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code on Steam

Super Rhythm Duel

Super Rhythm Duel

In Rhythm City, crime and chaos are disturbing. The balance between gangs is out of balance, the government is rotten, you must defeat the powerful enemies in Super Rhythm Duel, and restore the order of the city.

Super Rhythm Duel is a rhythm-based action game. Follow the beat, master the rhythmic patterns and posture system to beat them all.


  • Fighting in retro 2D sprites

  • Learn to input rhythmic patterns to perform versatile skills

  • Each enemy has tricky combat style, and you need to counter their actions to beat them

  • Try to equip different gears and upgrade skills to make combat easier


X: to put a red note / confirm

Z: to put a blue note / cancel

M: to collect a yellow note

arrows: move select in menus

Things we are working on:

  • A completed campaign mode

  • Add roguelite mechanics to improve the diversities of gameplay

  • More types of enemies, skills, gears and stages

  • Player versus player mode

If you like the game, please follow it and add it to wishlist.

Super Rhythm Duel on Steam

Buck Borris in Action

Buck Borris in Action

Great idea of ​​a small 2d survival game.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

I liked the graphics and the hits on the enemy, the game is very promising :D

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Buck Borris in Action on Steam



This is honestly one of my favorite fighting games. If there’s any game I’d say it’s similar to, probably KOF or other SNK games, but it has a lot that makes it different obviously. It has great system and character balance with no one mechanic seeming overwhelming, and each character has their fair share of pros and cons that they have to work around with all of them still being on an even playing field, and especially with the extra selectable moves, this game properly avoids falling into the problem of some match ups feeling WAY too one sided, with every character having a good amount of variety to their move set without everyone being too similar. Fun character designs with cthulhu magical girls, muscly grappler chefs, edgelords and of course, my big boy Ray. There’s so much freedom to every character with combos and tech, especially with the extra selectable specials and supers. I spend many hours in training mode trying to find new tech. Matches can vary a lot in how they play out based on what hits you land, so there’s room for you to end a match in two combos (or even one in rare situations), but other matches will carry on much longer if you don’t get your harder to land combo starters and counter hits or manage your resources towards big damage, and some characters often rely on meter to help them in neutral play and set ups. I really like that there’s room for those kind of big combos to happen while also having it be very nuanced in how it’s approached so that you don’t just do the same stuff each match. Neutral plays just as big a role as learning big combos. Some characters can annihilate you through solid neutral alone if you can’t adapt, so you gotta be strong on multiple fronts. There’s many strong offensive and defensive mechanics with neither being overwhelming. No comeback mechanics or combo breakers (I personally hate that stuff). Meter is handled super well in terms of how much importance it holds and how each character interacts with it in their own way. Adds a nice bit of weight to resource management while still not being the only thing that determines who wins. I’m just kinda gushing, but god I love this game. A bit of a smaller player base, but we’re still here and we’re growing over time. Especially on discord. If you want to play this game, join Tenryo’s discord server and there’s plenty of people there to answer your questions and play you in matches, including myself. So yeah. Big glowing recommendation for this game.

Real player with 669.0 hrs in game

Depends on 3rd party software to run. This would qualify it for no reccomendation already but when the game is working, it’s mediocre at best. The translation was just ripped from the Hong Kong localization (so expect engrish text wherever humanly applicable) The online is a wasteland at this point, so don’t bother if you’re in it for that. The singleplayer is pretty mediocre, and the arcade / story mode is brought down not only by the aformentioned engrish, but also some embarrassing endings. You see that 5th picture in the gallary? Imagine that but for every female character, being explained away by something very along the lines of “oh, well I guess the battle is over now, ho hum what should I do now? Disrobing sounds like a good idea–”. I’ll add that even for a japanese fighting games, most of the female character designs are pretty shameless in their obvious intent (my personal favorite is either the essential equivelent of the daughter of c’thulu having a permanant wedgie or the cyborg ninja having her nipples protrude through metal armor). The customization options are kind of cool on the surface, but you have to unlock colors, and you’re only allowed a certain number of them. You’re better off referring to Blazblue Central Fiction’s modding community if you have a hard on for that sort of thing. The customization for the fights are a pretty okay idea, but the execution is underwhelming, and not as well balanced as one would hope. As for character balance, it’s not the absolute worst, but if there were to be an online scene, you’d probably come to expect the three characters with easy to access “technically not touch of deaths, but may as well be since they also corner carry and end with hard knockdown into 50/50”. It’s alright with friends, but frankly there are just other fighting games which do what this game does but cheaper and / or better.

Real player with 79.1 hrs in game




A fun game to look at, not so much play. The tedious slowdown I get when attacking screamers makes for extremely difficult combat, which is essentially the bulk of the game, so it’s quite difficult to enjoy. The concept and art style is cool, just the game itself requires more polish.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


With this last update, the game is now 100% playable for me!! So, while I stand by my first-review statements that it looks great and that I think it’s a great concept, I can now wholeheartedly recommend you play this…well, except for the slight hitch that I have no damn clue what I’m doing most of the time…but I’ll get the hang of it soon I reckon, I’ll just keep plugging away until I figure it out because that’s part of the fun of this game for me ;)

Screamer/10 would converse with a helpful dev again :D

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Downpour on Steam



I played Sign for 6 months, and when I mean by play, I mean grind combos in the training room and doing nothing else as Millia. So, when revelator came out, I was super excited. Unlike Street fighter V’s launch (Sorry Capcom fans please don’t hate me) Revelator’s launch went exteremly smoothly for me.

So, let’s take a look at what the game does well:

+Netcode- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE NETCODE IS AMAZING. On average, I get 2-4 frames of delay and it feels like I’m playing on a console offline. Granted, this assuming you have anti-aliasing and post-effects off, but even with everything on, you’ll get 5 frames at the max. The only netcode that can top Guilty Gear’s is Killer Instinct.

Real player with 1376.6 hrs in game

This piece of sh*t of a game actually made me go out and buy a fight stick just so I could get better with it lol. I have tried out a bunch of fighting games before, but nothing came close to this. GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- is the best fighting game I’ve played so far, and possibly one of the best game I’ve played in general, and that’s saying a lot, because I’ve never been into fighting games that much in the past.

The Positives:

  • Complex but satisfying fighting system: The game is indeed hard to learn at first, as there are lots of mechanics to understand, but even at the beginner level, you can still pull off some cool stuff and look awesome while doing it. Once you start getting better, things like Romance Cancels and Burst will be easier to get into and you will be able to use them correctly at no time. And although combos are pretty tough to perform, I think one of the way to learn them is to watch videos and tutorial on the internet and try to copy the combo in practice mode, then slowly apply them in real matches, and sooner or later you will be able to do it. To me, that feeling of learning new moves and combos, then successfully doing them against real opponents is what makes this game so great and memorable.

Real player with 813.4 hrs in game




The game has a nice noir vibe to it. The story so far is interesting and mysterious. I like the liquid mixing mechanics which has a nice amount of combinations. Overall the game is easy and fun to play but i would really like to have a map so i can find my way easier.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

I like this game. I’m looking forward to carrying on, exploring the city, and completing quests. I did read the dev response to another review where there was discussion of a map being put in. Do I have to find the map first? Or did the map not get put into the game yet? That would be my one disappointment so far. Not having a map. If a dev could respond and lemme know what’s up with that, it would be appreciated. Cool game though.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Tartapolis on Steam