One Finger Death Punch

One Finger Death Punch

I would not have discovered this game if I hadn’t watched jacksepticeye play it on Youtube, and as soon as I saw gameplay of it, and saw that it was only $5, I knew I had to get it, and 90 hours of playtime later, I can safely say that it’s perhaps the best five dollars I’ve ever spent.

One of my favorite types of games are games that are simple to learn, difficult to master, and rank you on how well you did. One Finger Death Punch, Flappy Bird, Spin Copters, Electronic Super Joy, all of them very simple (and cheap) games that I’ve put more hours in than I’ve put into any other type of game. But like every game, even one as good as I think One Finger Death Punch is, there were some hiccups.

Real player with 113.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Fast-Paced Games.


(Full review follows below)

  • Game Name: One Finger Death Punch

  • Original Release: 2014

  • Genre Tags: Innovative; Avant-Garde; Fast-Paced; Action; Simplistic; Casual

  • My Overall Grade: A

  • Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 10-40 hours

  • Multiplayer Aspect: None

  • Recommended To: Established fans of the genre; Those intrigued by the genre; Novelty seekers; Avant-garde enthusiasts; Casual gamers


Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

One Finger Death Punch on Steam



some suggestions:

key mapping A+B,A+C,A+D.. really necessary.

game’s fps has never reached 60,it should be fixed immediately.

network state,player nationality,replay,spectator mode.

when you’re in a match against someone,i want to see player ID in the game.





Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Arcade Games.

☑ Garou : Mark of the Wolves, the legendary fighter finally on Steam

☑ DotEmu terrible Port with massive input lag/delay, screen freezes, audio glitches & more bugs

☑☑☑ Code Mystics remaking the port with GGPO rollback netcode and game running flawlessly stable

☑ Awesome sprites, fluid and beatiful animations

☑ Great combos & mechanics (T.O.P , feints , multiple supers for each) that aged perfectly fine

☑ Semi-Small (14 characters) but dreamlike roster

☑ Story mode , MP , Practice mode, Gallery, Leaderboards and working chievos

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game


FOOTSIES Rollback Edition

FOOTSIES Rollback Edition

It’s the game that finally managed to get me and my brother into fighting games. Before we played Footsies, we struggled to have any kind of intentionality when we played, because most fighters throw too many mechanics at you and don’t have good tutorials. That’s not the case wiht Footsies, though. Due to the limited controls (only 4 attacks, you can’t jump), we quickly learned when to use each move and when to counter them. After playing for more than 12 hours, me and my brother felt that we had “mastered” the game, not in the sense that we were pros or anything, just that it had served its purpose of teaching use how to play fighting games.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Casual Games.

great game. gets a little old alone but def worth $4.

instantly extra worth it if any friend comes over and y’all get bored.

feels really good once you get the hang of it. even with my boomer reaction speed i can get by with reads and reacting to some things

only downside is sometimes the inputs get weird with two people on keyboard. but that might just be an issue on my end.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

FOOTSIES Rollback Edition on Steam



This is a well-established and underrated classic that has received top notch emulation, and as of late, netcode. The game itself has a wide cast of very diverse characters, all of which have very well delivered hints towards rather deep character arcs. The art is all beautiful, and the music is very memorable. The actual in-game mechanics are also quite deep but very accessible, you could reasonably pick this game up in a dozen hours and be able to get some enjoyment out of any given player matchup. Neutral is very footsie heavy and most characters gain access to some very strong tools for creative and explosive pressure. The combos are mostly fairly short with a moderate amount of damage, however there are plenty of advanced combos utilizing very advanced mechanics for lab monsters to sink their teeth into. The main attribute that makes this game so unique are the different stances, very akin to Melty Blood moons. Without going into too much detail, there’s power stance to reward solid neutral and forcing favorable trades, speed which enables very elaborate blockstrings for any given character, and EX which more or less combines the two in exchange for a steep defense penalty.

Real player with 94.6 hrs in game

Code Mystics has once again worked their signature black magic on another excellent title.

TL;DR: gorgeous weapon fighter with flawless rollback netcode and none of the crappy emulation that plagued the previous version on Steam.

This game is excellent; deep, stylish, wacky, and an immense amount of fun. This is the best version of the game, and literally the only downside is the lack of lobbies to spectate in (which means you’ll need to play on another platform such as RedGGPO/Fightcade for online tournament purposes).

Real player with 89.9 hrs in game


Them’s Fightin' Herds

Them’s Fightin' Herds

This game will forever mean something special to me, even if I’ve had to shelve it and move on as a result of my own obsessions with victory/how I’m perceived by others. It’s almost impossible to be fully objective after everything that’s happened since I started following it closely circa late 2011, but I’ll try…and I’ll keep it to a bulleted list for brevity.


  • 6 (now 7, likely 8 at some point in the future) extremely-well-fleshed-out characters who are all viable at every skill level, and wholly unique in their movement/offensive capabilities. A small tier spread in 1.0 was noticable, but 2.0 appears to have narrowed the gaps in viability, further evening the odds across the cast.

Real player with 2831.6 hrs in game

The most fun fighting game I’ve played up to this point. While the game is still in early access, it’s got enough content for those mostly interested in the fighting game aspect of it.


  • Beginner-friendly, if you’re newer to fighting games. There’s 3 main attack buttons and a fourth “Magic” button, which is used for each character’s unique attack system. Learning to combo is as easy as A-B-C (The main buttons are literally named A, B, and C), with no crazy specific timing for a lot of basic combos. It also has a tutorial that teaches players just about every mechanic they need to know about, from basic blocking to things like framedata.

Real player with 2176.1 hrs in game

Them's Fightin' Herds on Steam



as a person who has lots of sex all the time, i can say that this game is 100% accurate to having sex with sexy women. like i do. everyday. this game did not make me horny however. i am not gay. i just have too much sex with real women to spend more than 15 minutes in this game. on the other hand i would recommend this game to people who do not have sex (unlike me because i have lots of sex with women a lot) as there is a naked woman in it and she is naked. she kinda looks like one of my many girlfriends who i have sex with a lot. i have lots of sex. i also an very handsome and women ALWAYS want to have sex with me because i am very muscular and handsome and very good at video games. all my girlfriends say im very good at sex and playing video games and being handsome. one of my girlfriends asked me to have sex with her but i told her i was playing a sex game instead so she started crying and became a lesbian and killed herself because i did not have sex with her. i have sex with women. not men. i am not gay. i am very cool and handsome so girls always have sex with me because i am very cool and sexy. my penis is very big. all my girlfriends like my penis because it is very big and i am very good at sex with my women. every woman ive had sex with is very sexy and so am i. i have lots of sex. i am also very handsome and sexy and i have lots of sex.

Real player with 275.9 hrs in game

Melty Blood: Type Lumina is an excellent first fighting game for anyone looking to learn the basics without being overwhelmed, but it’s also an enjoyable game for fighting game veterans. Though the base roster is a bit limited given the price tag, the mechanics, art, animations, and general gameplay are all top-notch. Beginners can get their feet wet with auto-combos, and then gradually increase the sophistication of their gameplay by using more difficult combos and taking advantage of the many enjoyable game mechanics like Heat and Moon Drive. Most importantly, the rollback netcode makes it easy to find matches against people with good connections even if nobody nearby plays the game.

Real player with 253.2 hrs in game


Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow

Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow

Great old-school fighting game with real martial art elements. All though the fun didn’t last long as the game is a bit too short, I can say that I really enjoyed playing it.

In my opinion, for the price of 10€, it should have been longer. I’d also would have liked to see more authentic techniques. Otherwise the RPG elements were nice, some might say that leveling is bit repetitive but I think it was done well. I don’t regret paying 10€ for it, but I’d say because it’s short and I don’t think I’m going to play it through again, it should be more around 5-7€.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Rating: ★★★★☆

(A very good but somewhat grindy fighting game)



Karate Master 2 is a semi-realistic fighting game.

The game has real-life martial arts moves only - no throwing fireballs or jumping 5 meters up in the air. There’s no super powers here - just two guys with their fists and feet.

Graphics-wise it’s like a SNES / PS1 era fighting game, the fighters and arenas look very nice, as does the training mini-games.

I really like the art-style of the game, with one exception - The dialogue portraits. They look quite awful to be honest, but otherwise it strikes a nostalgia vein very well.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow on Steam



Whoever born in the 90’s (or before, like me!) knows that this was the main game to play in the arcades! every KoF’s player that i met during my entire life thinks that this was the better one all the way! We don’t have any grudge against any of the other KoF but in that we all agreed: this was the best one! (to clearify, this one was the most insane pvp of all times during our time in vs fighting games, fuck MK fuck SF, this was the main shit and we own it!)

I’m not an awesome player anymore… (due to my affections and addictions, but i can still give a good fight when a little ping/lag it’s setting the paze in the match). But i’ve seen what other players can do in the arcade itself during a local tournament and i am really proud to call this game one of the best ones in “VS Fighting games” of all history!

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

If you’re looking to play people online in KoF'97 and nothing else, definitely move along. You can always do some remote play with friends but finding a competitive scene for ‘97 means playing over on Fightcade.

But if you just want to play through the arcade mode of ‘97 and have a good time? This is a pretty good purchase. It’s a great way to enjoy the early days of the series and get the story of the last chapter in the Orochi saga. Great character design, great animations, awesome stages, not as much difficulty performing some moves as you’d see in later KoF games but definitely not a “dumbed down” entry. My only real issue with ‘97 is the soundtrack. Some characters have themes, but if you’re fighting someone that doesn’t, it defaults to a generic stage song. The one for the Bali stage is kinda interesting but for the most part they’re all pretty dull and in some cases don’t really fit the vibe of the game. This may seem like a petty thing to complain about but KoF set out right from the very first title with great songs and ‘97 feels like a weird speedbump in the soundtrack department.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game




This port is garbage…

Everyone will talk about the netcode, and how’s it’s not good and yeah that’s true, I mean, it’s not unplayable to be honest, but the lack of good netcode in 2021 is just pathetic… BUT that’s not the worst of it, the worst of it is how REALLY bad the port is.

So… first of all, it just doesn’t run very well, you’ll experience crashes and freezes here and there. Oh, you need to be always on-line to play, even if you just wanna play solo stuff, like the lackluster story mode.

Real player with 180.7 hrs in game

Gameplay: Fantastic if a slower paced fighter is what you’re looking for

Everything else: Horrible. I thought I knew what I was getting into since it’s well know the netcode is bad, but my expectations were truly shattered. I’m not gonna go into how badly SNK handled the release over different storefronts again as that is known well enough.

  • Game won’t even start without an internet connection, effectively making it useless when I want to bring it for an offline gathering on my laptop. This alone is unacceptable already. Once more pirates actually get a better service than paying customers.

Real player with 86.7 hrs in game


Angry Space Bees

Angry Space Bees

I LOVE IT! I love the classic graphics. I love the music for sure! It’s simple, elegant, and fun! My ONLY request would be to make the shooting button right-CTRL instead of left-CTRL. I can cross my arms up anyway, so it’s not a deal breaker. It’s definitely worth adding to your library.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

A cool time killer that will require you to concentrate your attention and make quick decisions.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Angry Space Bees on Steam