

Game Description:

[Fencing] is a unique game. You can’t control the characters to run and jump like other games. Here, you can only use the WASD keyboard or the left rocker of the handle to control the character’s vertical upward, forward, left and right jump attack.

The injury mechanism is the same as the scoring mechanism in real fencing competition. If the sword hits different parts of the body, it will cause different degrees of damage! Head, legs, arms and upper body, the degree of injury decreased in turn.

Based on the physical type of combat, therefore, according to your sword time, sword angle, sword length, to determine the hit character, whether it will fly in a certain direction!

Contains the Ragdoll system, after each hit, it will open the corresponding Ragdoll simulation effect according to your hit to the character’s body bone.

Game Features:

-Unique character manipulation

-Injury mechanism of fencing

-Physical combat

-Ragdoll simulation

-Various game forms, free fight, local double, AI watch, follow-up will update the online mode!

-At present, there are six available characters, and more will be launched in the future.

About Me:

This independent game, developed by me alone, has many shortcomings at present. I welcome the feedback from players who have purchased the game, and hope to make [fencing] more perfect in the future! In addition, I sincerely welcome the friends who love the game, as well as the old comrades in arms of the independent game camp, to actively communicate with me.

Wechat: IndieGameDream

QQ: 2118431574

QQGroup: 794795548

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

Fencing on Steam

Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken

I myself have played pretty much every Street Fighter game that is available out there, including the very first Street Fighter game. And I believe my first Playstation game was Tekken 1. I have loved fighting games since I was a little kid, and I in fact, wanted to get this game, but because of some negative reviews on this game by some people, I decided to just stay away from it for a while. Now that it was on a Steam sale, I have decided to buy it, and well, I am not really sure why people would give bad ratings to this game….sure, you can’t really use the Tekken characters like you normally would in the original Tekken games, as the one that made this game is Capcom, but those Tekken characters still maintain their own character even in this game. It kind of sucks that Jin is kind of hard to use in this….or I should say, he either sucks or is for the real hardcore players….or possibly, I simply don’t understand how he works in this game yet. But Jin kind of does not really feel like the Jin in the Tekken series. It sucks even more because you can’t use Devil Jin, either.

Real player with 64.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Fighting Games.

7/10 A good game with several severe drawbacks to it

Review for the Street Fighter X Tekken: Complete Pack version 1.08

Both the Street Fighter & the Tekken franchise are video game milestones. Capcom’s Street Fighter II (1991) became famous for introducing mechanics we nowadays perceive as normal, such as combos, cancellations, or lenient controls. Bandai-Namco’s Tekken series (1994 ongoing) then built upon this & Sega’s Virtua Fighter’s legacy (1993 ongoing) to sweep the market with 3D fighting arenas, new control schemes, more realistic fighting moves, & beginner friendly controls that displayed a remarkable, never before seen depth to them. It seems like a no-brainer for these two giants to meet up in this crossover from 2012. But whether this 2.5D mashup fared well or not, is a completely different question.

Real player with 55.8 hrs in game

Street Fighter X Tekken on Steam

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis

What is it?

A pixel art beat’em up where you save Crimson City from an invasion.


Some of the best looking pixel art

Controls work fine

Eaasy to get into

Plenty of funny references



Sound could use some more variety (what is in the game is fine, but variety is the spice of life)


Diffilculty, or rather the lack of it:

While it is fine for a game to start off easy and then gradually tighten the screw like this one does, unfortunately it waits too long to do so.

Upgrades are available pretty early on, making things even easier in the early levels (or playsets as they are called here).

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

I have to say as a long time gamer, I love this game. It evokes a bit of nostalgia from old NES days and offers some really unique looking aesthetics.

It is early access so there are some occasional bugs and glitches but overall it’s well worth the buy and I want to see where they take things.

It has lots of playable characters that are unlocked through gameplay (as opposed to how other games do this via DLC) which really adds to my fondness for this game! I love finding secrets and unlocking skills/characters.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis on Steam

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV is not a game for everyone . It is a very hard game. A hundred hours is the basic . Always people say you need to know combos No!

What You Need To Know This Game

+Basic Elements

+Game Systems



+Save/not save combos/moves For example Heavy/Ex Shuryuken is not save

What i like in ultra street fighter 4 is W-Ultra is the big standout here, giving you access to both of your characters ultra combos instead of one or the other.

Neither will do as much damage, but the utility it provides is almost irresistible for characters like Dudley for instance, whose Ultra 1

Real player with 817.8 hrs in game

USFIV is currently one of the most balanced 1 on 1 2D fighting games with a good fighting system, good amount of characters, moves and game modes. SFIV is a 2D fighting game like most of the previous Street Fighter iterations. It has various characters which increases the chance of some that may catch your fancy. There is even more characters in this ultra edition which is an upgrade to previous SFIV versions. Fighting speed in general is normal compared to other 2D fighters which leaves a good open window for command inputs in-between. This PC version have a decent system settings and controllers compatibility other than x-input (xbox 360/one based) devices and keyboards. For all characters the fighting system has 6 main buttons, blocks are done by holding back, standing, crouching and jumping attacks, throws, dashes, wakeup delay, characters get stunned after certain amount of attacks taken, a 2 stage charge attack (called focus) for each character which strength varies by the duration pressed, characters have special moves and there is extra bar (called super) which has 4 stages (bars) and can be used for having ex version of some specials by using one bar and a super which consumes all 4 bars, there is finishing move bar (called ultra) and each character has 2 ultras which can be selected individually or together, focus then dashing can be used to link some attacks (called focus cancel) and can be used to cancel an active attack for defense and backing up. Attacks are categorized into high, medium, low, overhead, throws, some characters has command throws also and fully charged focus is unblockable. All non-normal attacks will chip the health bar when blocked and can finish a round. All characters have taunts which can be disabled before matches. Arcade mode acts like story mode with few (1 or more) still images with narration as prologue and a small animated clip as epilogue with rival battles before the boss battle that has special before and in match dialogue. There is versus mode for local or computer battles and also there is computer versus computer matches. Training mode is on normal quality with ability to record actions for the dummy and can be locally controlled or computer controlled and all bars are modifiable, there is challenge mode which is a series of combos for each characters. Online multiplayer is decent now but with less players than the consoles versions as there is no cross platform multiplayer, all online battles have voice chat, there is ranked battles, online training, room battles and tournament like rooms with one active match at a time and all can be open invitation to all or friend invitations and in rooms you can set the number of slots for which type. Online battle can be selected to start and halt current offline matches when found, this applies to arcade and training modes. Online and versus matches replays can be saved although in limited amount and you can watch some matches for high ranking players and some recent replays for others all can be viewed by region or characters. There is a ranking system for your overall points and your character points. You can be unique online by having an icon, a title and a vs screen message and all are pre made. There is different customs for each character and a lot of them are unfortunately available as DLC.

Real player with 170.1 hrs in game

Ultra Street Fighter® IV on Steam

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

This game has aged well and still stands on its own merits, even with Injustice 2 available. A fun, casual friendly fighter with a decent story and good overall direction. The characters all look and feel great. In truth, I prefer this to the sequel in a lot of ways. That said, this recommend comes with some hefty caveats:

1. S.T.A.R. Labs is a set of hundreds of side-missions added to the game to pad its length. They generally involve either a flash-game quality arcade style minigame or a semi-normal fight with your arms tied behind your back and/or major RNG components. They are godawful, but there’s an achievement tied to completing them all with the best score possible (but only requires completing 240/300 missions since the last 60 are DLC), so they’re unavoidable if you’re an achievement hunter. I can’t express enough how terribly designed and balanced this aspect of the game is and it was almost enough for me to leave a negative review. Grinding them out is a truly awful gameplay experience, which I think the devs realized since the skins we’d normally have to unlock there come pre-unlocked in this version.

Real player with 166.2 hrs in game

“Gods Among Us: Anyone can be a Hero”

Fighting games have long since descended from their all-conquering dizzying heights (in the 80’s and 90’s) to become almost a niche genre, as both games and gamers diversify. Within this evolving landscape, ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us (The Ultimate Edition)’ manages to brawl its way into contention as a polished, well crafted fighter, that despite its issues, is a fine addition to any Fight Game enthusiast’s collection.

Campaign: Released in late 2013, NetherRealm | Warner Bros. follow up on the commercial success of ‘Mortal Kombat: The Komplete Edition’ by essentially replicating that game within the DC Comics universe. The ‘Campaign’ mode follows the story arc from the ‘Injustice’ comic books, wherein a crazed Joker has killed Lois Lane and detonated a nuclear device in Metropolis. The game picks up with an enraged Superman asserting martial law over the planet and slowly turning from protector to oppressor. Narrated through well conceived animated cut-scenes and interspersed with 1-on-1 battles, gamers assume control of all their favorite characters as well as some others they might not have been so inclined to. The usual suspects are all here – from Batman, Superman, The Joker, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Green Arrow and Bane to a host of newer faces like Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, Frost, DeathStroke and Aquaman. A variety of Single Player Arcade-style Tournaments, Challenges, and lots of unlockable comic lore round out a content-rich title.

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition on Steam