Air Marty

Air Marty

An…interesting game. First, let me talk about the downsides of this game: some typos in the game and some of the minigames were either a bit hard or the controls were a bit finicky (I wasn’t sure which it was in all honesty). Both issues I have with the game are actually pretty small overall. I did thoroughly enjoy myself playing this game, so that definitely outweighed any downside I had with the game. There are a total of 64 (technically 65) endings, which I did love. I didn’t realize at first that I could use the continue feature to pick points in the game so I can get the various endings a lot quicker than redoing the whole game every single time. I expected a comedy (which it most definitely is) but I wasn’t prepared for a dark comedy (which a lot of the endings get pretty dark, so a warning for anyone who is sensitive to dark jokes and

! themes of suicide/self harm). Strangely enough, I did also thoroughly enjoy the artwork in-game. It was varied and some were (purposefully?) odd/bad, but it was unique and added another comedic effect to the game.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

The game was worth the money and time I spent with it. This is this developers first game, you can definitely feel it. There is a level of polish missing that while isn’t too distracting is definitely notable.

The game takes quite a long time to launch. There is a button binded that brings you directly back to the menu instead of a pause screen. There is a button that skips the menu that takes you directly to the level select. You can spam these buttons and reload the menus really fast and cause the soundtrack to restart rapidly. The way certain controls feel on multiple levels feel very floaty and weird. Not being able to skip through the dialogue fast enough to replay a mini-game can be a chore, especially if the mini-game isn’t very self explanatory and you can fail some of them instantly.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Air Marty on Steam



Really captures the feeling of depression without being too… for lack of a better word, depressing? The game is still funny and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Somehow it’s very entertaining to be told how you’re an idiot and you’ve died horribly.

But then there’s also a really creepy atmosphere, very nice sound design, a solid sense of dread, and some very satisfying puzzles.

Really enjoyable, and I feel very smug for finding the secret ending!

Still not got that rocket launcher though…

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Narration Games.

I had so much fun with this game. Which is a weird thing to say considering it spent a lot of time all-too-accurately evoking the scathing self-deprecation and casual self-sabotage that comes with depression. Did it make me think about the times real-life-me had not wanted to get out of bed, and said mean things to the reflection in the mirror? Yes. Did it let me wave a spatula off a staircase and caress a questionable pile of black goo? Also yes.

Sometimes — especially in 2020 — there’s not much to do about the pitfalls of depression except to laugh and keep going. This game knows that, and in a rather tongue-in-cheek way, nudges us to remember. It’s a fun, satisfying little puzzle that rewards trial and error, persistence, and (if you’re going for the secret ending) the occasional madcap experiment. But most importantly, it tells us: Don’t worry. Try again tomorrow.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

SHUT IN on Steam

Hair of the Dog

Hair of the Dog

This game is right up my alley! From the very beginning it oozes charm and hilarity. The pace is swift and the characters intriguing. I’ve smiled constantly and laughed out loud many times. It delivers straight away and is delightfully observed too - for anyone into history, literature, cinema. I think I’ll have to watch Tall Story Games closely and see what they do next!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Linear Games.

I played this game after enjoying the demo for Lucy Dreaming - so much so that I joined the kick starter for it! This is a lovely game, beautifully made and with a great, dark sense of humour. The fact that this was made in just 2 weeks makes it even more impressive! A few of the puzzles really had me scratching my head (pun intended!) but it was always just difficult enough to be engaging, rather than infuriating.

If you liked this, then I highly recommend Lucy Dreaming.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Hair of the Dog on Steam

Incel Syndrome

Incel Syndrome

“disgraceful caricature of us truecels”

Read the whole demo and i gotta say im not surprised at all what I read. Its another piece to put down lonely men in their 20s for not having success with women. The game has the same narrative that most media has on incels or adult virgin men. They are all either mass shooters waiting to happen or just smelly neets in their mother’s basement, while the game attempts to sound smart with its quotes from Otto. Notice how no where in the game a woman seems irrational. Of course that can change when they release the whole game but i highly doubt they will show the ugly side of women in todays society cuz truly lonely men are the worst of our race right? Normies will never understand the lonely male which is why they will just throw all of them in the extreme category of the incel group. Congrats on the cringey ass demo cant wait for the whole game so i can shit on it and laugh more

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Is a novel, no a game-novel, rather full novel with no relevant decisions. The following comment is therefore a review of the plot (No Spoilers).

This stuff is not for everyone, hardcore incel issues, 90% of the characters are assholes (except for Jhon, love that bastard), thick text, references to a certain goverment in Germany in the 1930´s, and so on. However, I would argue the plot is pretty well done, the conflict of the main character is real, the characters are all flesh-made weak-but-true people and one can even extract an idea or two from this philosophy-elevated 4chan rant. The backgrounds and the music are perfectly aligned with the plot and so on.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Incel Syndrome on Steam



Lucifer Awaits, Chump!


Highly addictive and I found myself lost in time a bit the 2nd time I was playing it.

The Notes can be super hilarious (If you have a dark sense of humor)

Mod support to add your own characters (added few Horror Villains)

Sprite animations are excellent


Wish it had more color

While the background music sounds a bit creepy it can be a bit dull in long play sessions

Repetitive sins (mod support option sorta fixed that for me however)


The game soft locked 2 times when i exited in full screen mode.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

A great little game that allows you to hand out judgement on souls! once you work out what you are supposed to be doing but that’s part of the fun.

The game runs well and has a very dark sense of humour, with some LOL comments in the victims bio’s, a lot of thought has obviously gone into this game.

The game uses very little PC resources and I found myself jumping in and out to judge the damned….. I mean souls during coffee breaks, much better than minesweeper!

Overall, at such a low price it is worth having a look at, be careful though, you may get slightly addicted!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

P.U.R.G.A.T.O.R.Y on Steam

Cubic Currency

Cubic Currency

A charming indie game with character. Hot take on capitalism


  • excellent worldbuilding

  • immersive experience: soundtrack, sound effects, and art are very well done

  • fun and nuanced gameplay that keeps you coming back

  • balances randomness and skill well

  • well planned achievements


  • seems a little too easy (i’ve won each of my first 3 runs without many difficulties) – let capitalism be more brutal! (or, have different difficulty settings–that’s probably a better way to do it)

  • as far as i can tell, there isn’t “save game” functionality? either that or it’s not intuitive how to use it. could be a nice thing to add

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Full Disclosure. I bought this game at 90% off. It was less than a dollar, so at that price i really can’t complain for myself.

Now if you buy it at full price, it might be a little short for that price tag as I finished it in just over 3 hours. The game has enough elements to make some days/levels a bit intense, especially with the last character. Which is good because without the juggling of customers and the negative dice types, the game would be waaay too easy. And if you want to achievement hunt the game to 100% then you’ll probably get maybe an extra hour or two of gameplay.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cubic Currency on Steam



Challenging and fun game to pass the time. Takes a while to get used to the controls however once you get the hang of it the game becomes very enjoyable.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

I said I could beat this game in a weekend. One weekend later and I want to rip my balls off playing this game. 10/10.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Slimefrog on Steam

The Hustle

The Hustle

The Hustle is an open-world board game where you can go anywhere - anywhere - to build your fortune from the bottom up.

  • Go Left, Go Right, Do Whatever - winners don’t respect board game conventions. Winners cut through the middle of the board and tell Candyland to shove it.

  • Meddle with Forces Beyond Your Ken - Every round, players vote to change one rule about the game. Adjust your strategy to succeed, or get left in the dust!

  • Don’t call it “Bribery!" - That’s the invisible hand of the free market shoving $100 into your jeans.

  • Ruin Real-Life Friendships - Cut the dead weight from your social group in classic board-game style!

  • Build a Legacy - Will you be remembered a Miser? A Titan of Industry? A Peasant? Every smart move is another scene in your Oscar-winning biopic, and every dumb move is another shovelful of dirt in your stupid, stupid, anonymous grave.

The Hustle on Steam

Doodle Date

Doodle Date

Full review at:

Doodle Date is a joke you and the game work together to tell. Using the simple design of a dating simulator, the game asks the player to fill in images meant to make that player laugh, the text reactions and situations the images are used for doing a good job of facilitating some funny moments. The plot is quite clearly constructed around the idea of amusing the player rather than giving too much meaning to the events or dating, but it does do some unexpected exploration of the concepts behind one creator drawing a character to life for the purposes of romance. Not really demanding any artistic skill, Doodle Date is an effective skeletal structure for setting up some silly moments, making it a game about having a laugh rather than having some deeply involved dating story or a well developed art platform.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Don’t take these doodles lightly! This VN is killer!

You’re the Creator! You create doodles that pull you into a world of blank pages and dreams that you imagine. Claire is your first drawing and she’s the one who pulls you into this mysterious and new world.

The game starts off as your standard visual novel. You have choices and various endings (3 to be exact). The only difference here is that you get to draw the key points of the game.

I used a tablet to draw and they STILL looked a hot mess. The dialogue is very tongue in cheek and took me by surprise. I have to say, the overall plot towards the end was a huge surprise to me.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Doodle Date on Steam

My Eyes

My Eyes

I’m digging. Nice little platformer with just enough of a challenge. The screaming of the guy cracks me up everytime.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

This game is super fun and the screaming cracks me up every time.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

My Eyes on Steam