Splash Road

Splash Road

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Splash Road, and it’s a dubious honour.

Splash Road is a basic Unity Asset flip. It’s an endless runner (driver) where you bump the car between the middle, left and right lanes to avoid the other cars. It’s less complex than Pac-Man. I mean, if you’re going to flip a Unity store asset, why not at least try to flip one of the better ones?

Regardless, I can’t recommend anyone pays Crewxaa for what’s obviously someone else’s demo/tutorial/asset pack here.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Automobile Sim Games.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Splash Road on Steam



The rotate & flip inherent visual image breaks the limitations of the perspective and formal logic of traditional 2D games.

Experience the classic 2D horizontal perspective and 3D magnificent background.

The intricate visual impact and illusion are amazing.

Story summary:


It is the soul, but it will die out after all.

And extinguishing means death.

Legend has it that there is an eternal fire in the depths of a certain ancient castle.

In order to continue their souls, everyone flocked to the castle.

But there is no news….

Many years later, a knight went to the castle for immortality…

Read More: Best 2D Dark Fantasy Games.

永恆之火-REVERSE on Steam

Move Forward

Move Forward

Good fun if you’re up for the challenge and occasionally yelling at the screen.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D 2D Platformer Games.

Move Forward on Steam



The games alright. Although, I would wait until more updates are out.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Don’t Buy Just an Waste of Money.

This is just an Cheap Copy of People’s Playground

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Kselebox on Steam



Nice little game with a great narrative and atmosphere reminiscent of the Darkwood or Annihilation (the movie).

It’s definitely worth playing if you like the dense forest mood, meditative walks in the fog, and living mushrooms…

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Rooten is a great horror adventure. It’s not that scary, but it has a great mood & exploring gameplay. I’m a big fan of the in-game mechanic of time that goes by itself and brings feel of a daily routine that gets worse every day. In the first days it feels like there’s too much time for you, but you’ll lose that feeling as the game progress. Art somehow reminded me Don’t Starve in a great way, even though it’s different styles, but I like how 2D and 3D are mixed. The sound design is amazing and very immersive.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Rooten on Steam



To fit in with the rest of my visual novel library, I’d have to give this game the merit of being the least sexual visual novel I have played. The cutscenes are short but inspire introspection and deep thinking. The gameplay, while confusing, is deeply entertaining. Since the beta I received, I have unlocked all secret endings, and I must say, the devs know their writing.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

qubo on Steam

Hikikomori life

Hikikomori life

Hikikomori simulator. Experience the hard life of a hikan suffering from gambling addiction. You have to satisfy physiological needs, eliminate distractions. And how can you play, play, play without it.

Hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引きこもり, lit. “pulling inward, being confined”.

Key features:

  • The atmosphere of a midnight apartment and solitude, complemented by lighting and soundtrack.

  • Random events that prevent you from playing. Manage to eliminate everything.

  • The need to play, drink, eat, relieve themselves.

  • Funny and not very lines of the protagonist.

  • Several endings, try to open them all.

Hikikomori life on Steam

Good puzzle

Good puzzle


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Great puzzle game, cool soundtrack

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Good puzzle on Steam

Good puzzle: Animals

Good puzzle: Animals

Very cute puzzles, nice design

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Quick & easy puzzles of animals, ok for wasting 30min. Cheap, doesn’t take much brainpower & you get a nice feeling that you’ve finished something. Best for when you’re not feeling well.


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Good puzzle: Animals on Steam

Smelted Kin

Smelted Kin

cool idea ruined by some bafflingly awful decisions. Some of the big ones for me are the levels are littered with randomly spawning explosives that seem to exist solely to steal a huge chunk of health, as well as the spawner doors that can only be destroyed waiting for the drone to slowly chip away at it while the physical door that should be in the background is capable of absorbing your shots which can lead to you getting awkwardly boxed in at times.

This game hates you and wants you to lose, with the ease of death you also lose money for permanent upgrades with seems counter-productive where failure should lead to being able to save up for upgrades and ammo to help players suffering constant death instead of draining them so thoroughly to the point of feeling like there’s no chance to ever progress. This feeling is compounded by how much of a guessing game everything feels like, with the map being almost completely useless not marking any landmarks except for a handful of specific doors, not even elevators are marked. I’m only in the second area and feel utterly stumped by only having one clue and having to guess where I can and can’t go while the constant threat of a cheap death is always around the corner, there is falling damage and I have frequently seemingly just fell through invisible pits to my death or had to make a leap of faith due to not being able to see what’s below me.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

With no reviews I knew I was gambling when buying this, but with the refund option available it isn’t too much of a risk really unlike the time when I bought red goblin cursed forest.

Unfortunately, this game is just too unintuitive. The controls in particular are atrocious with both gamepad and keyboard controls being an unworkable disaster. This should have used a mouse for aiming and indeed many of the keyboard bindings seem geared towards this style of gameplay but the mouse isn’t used at all outside the main screen. Oh and that reminds me, you can’t properly change keyboard binds once you’ve started playing, you have to quit to the menu and change there. Again, a disaster. The maker of this game seems to be aware of how unintuitive the game is because there are actually written messages indicating what is hidden beyond reach when you reach your typical metroidvania barrier.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Smelted Kin on Steam