Mayhem in Single Valley

Mayhem in Single Valley

*I played in v 4.0.02 and finished the game in v 4.0.04.

Playing status: 100% achievement

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (29 achievements, all of them are missables).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


There is mayhem in Single Valley. Everyone turned into radioactive, mindless monsters that can kill you in one hit. Explore the whole valley, dodging all monsters along the way, to save everyone.


  • A lot of collectibles to collect, some are hidden in tricky places

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D RPG Games.

The 80s Never Felt So Good!

(a review copy of this game was provided. Check out my full review on GeektoGeekMedia)

What a fun ride! I want to hurry and finish the review so I can play more! Mayhem in Single Valley is a polished, sharp, fun little adventure game that hits ya like a catchy 80s pop song; you can’t get it out of your head!

Jack Johnson (no relation) is about to fly to the city to attend art school–a wonderful opportunity and chance to escape the dead-end lifestyle of his not-so-well-to-do family. All that remains is a couple of chores and…what’s this? Mysterious shadow entities dumping toxic waste into the town’s water supply? Oh, dear! Well, what’s a helpful/mischievous lad in a red-hooded sweatshirt supposed to do but grab some trashcan lids and fight mutant forest animals!?

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Mayhem in Single Valley on Steam

Deadlight: Director’s Cut

Deadlight: Director’s Cut

Deadlight is one of the better games i played. Side scrolling games are what i like and this one has so much to offer if you like that genre.

Pros: - The setting of zombie apocalypse is nothing new but it is presented in new form of side scrolling platform which is huge plus at least for me.

  • Visual design is excelent and proper to the atmosphere it needs to describe. Everything is grayish and its place, There are no bright or vivid moments after all there are 1% humans left right ? :)

  • Animation of main protagonist is excelent and very fluid and zmobies look very good also.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Singleplayer Games.

Deadlight: Director’s Cut from Tequila Works/Deep Silver is another abandonware product from Tequila Works on Steam that was right after the Launch already left and therefore till today remained a broken piece of software that you should avoid at all cost.

While this is said I still enjoyed my time with the Game when it worked as it should do. But as soon as my progress InGame was again disturbed with some of those Bugs and Glitches that are still left in the Game I so far in the end spent more time with trying to work around all those issues instead of enjoying my time with the Game.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Deadlight: Director's Cut on Steam

Dracula: A Gothic RPG

Dracula: A Gothic RPG

Dracula is back in this dark but cute RPG.

Collect souls for more powers, learn alchemy, and cast your dark magic in battle.

Black cats, werewolves, zombies; he’s buddies with all types of Halloween friendlies – and he’s going to go questing with them!


After thousands of years, Dracula has been summoned for a grand purpose by ghosts and dark magicians. They require his resurrection to fulfill the prophecy.

After he has awakened, he meets a quirky cast of characters that will get him in a lot of trouble and comical shenanigans.


👻 Party members include ghosts, zombies, and many types of Halloween friendlies.

🦠 Collect Souls to increase your power, or talk to the dead to learn their skills.

🎁 Collect items to decorate Dracula’s Mansion.

⚔️ Explore and adventure the world with some … rather unusual quests… as a dark hero.

📺 Classic role-playing style

Explore areas in classic JRPG style

~Victorian Forest~

Future Updates:

⚗️ Craft items in the Underground Alchemy Lab.

📜 Randomized side-quests

🍪 Come to the dark side. We have cookies.

Read More: Best 2.5D Gothic Games.

Dracula: A Gothic RPG on Steam

Undead Shadow Army

Undead Shadow Army

Can you survive the hordes of dead shadows ?

  • 2.5D shooter

  • shoot your way through hordes of zombies

  • 14 different weapons

  • 21 challenging districts

  • Endless mode , how long can you survive ?

  • Different types of enemies

  • Simple but action-packed gameplay

  • Good and varied graphics

Undead Shadow Army on Steam

Zombie Strike

Zombie Strike

honestly i have only played 3hrs and that was from first login. i will be continuing as i have no reasons yet not to. consequently, this review is subject to change

the incredibly naive will quote this as a pay-to-win game, which is utter nonsense. only game i ever played (in 40 years of gaming) that falls into THAT category is zynga’s poker game which you could win actual money playing…….. as long as you were an american living in america. you can pay but you don’t win anything.

this game does NOT target your wallet……..that’s just cheap. no, this game is SO overly priced it targets your savings account :D

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

good game😊 . but it can be better than that 😐😑

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Zombie Strike on Steam

Voodoo Kid

Voodoo Kid

It was my first Point & Click AVG. It’s very short but funny. I remember I spent about 2 hours clearing the game in one afternoon when I was a kid. I spent 3 hours this time. Seems my brain is old now.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Used to play this when I was a kid, loved it. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Finished the game in 2 hours when as a kid it probably took me weeks. I recommend this for a child but be warned that there are skulls in the game, pretty PG though.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Voodoo Kid on Steam

Zombie Freaks

Zombie Freaks

I want to be playing on gamepad.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Zombie Freaks is an RGM title, which may be a turn off to some, but it’s done well.

I’m currently at the half way mark, and the variety of enemies, environments and weapons, has been great. Wolves, rats, an array of different zombies and soldiers. As for weapons, you start with a knife and soon pick up a pistol. From there you will find a shotgun, uzi, revolver and an AK (although I haven’t found that just yet). The art here is brilliant, right down to the textures, the detail is great.

The music fits nicely and is rather catchy, with an ’80s synthwave like soundtrack, you can’t go wrong. There are also some cheesy one liners that add a nice touch and thankfully, they’re not over done.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Zombie Freaks on Steam



Now, where I have played Deadlight until the 100%-mark and having done everything that could be achieved, the only thing that is missing until completion is a detailed review containing the impressions I gathered over that journey.

First of all, success is what I link with Deadlight. There I few games I brought the courage to play until exhaustion and with Deadlight happened exactly that. I am a platformer enthusiast but the few I played have usually been abandoned because I coudn’t take the challenge. In my Zombie-hype phase, but even after it, Deadlight kept me fascinated with the fantastic graphic design and the well composed Soundtrack, I have reviewed seperately. With that being said, Deadlight has acoustically and visually definately been mastered and is therefore absolutely worth the purchase.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

“It’s All Fun And Games Until You Get Bitten”

‘Deadlight’ is a visually stunning, wonderfully atmospheric, survival horror 2.5-D Platformer which raises the bar for the genre in some respects, but then also stumbles in others – resulting in a generally fun, if confoundingly uneven escape from reality.

Campaign: Developed by Tequila Works | Microsoft Studios and released in late-2012, the game drops you into the shoes of Randall Wayne, a US Park Ranger on a desperate search for his missing family in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Each level takes you across a fantastic imagining of a post-apocalyptic Seattle (circa 1986), featuring both indoor, outdoor and underground elements, with hauntingly beautiful backdrops making for some of the best visuals, atmosphere and tone in recent gaming memory.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Deadlight on Steam

In the dark forest

In the dark forest

Stars received: 0.7/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.2] Controls & Training & Help

[0] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0.2] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: 2D line of sight shooter

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

my play through here:

Problems with this game one the dogs and birds can go to the bottom of the tree line and the top of the tree line where you can’t hit because your character model can’t go that low or high luckily they do come back out, but with the speed the dogs move the fact they can bypass your wall traps, etc and have only one place where you can hit them there’s no room for error with their hit box. I’m sure this is beatable, but it’s not worth the effort it literally feels like a 2000’s newgrounds game. Also if this was a roguelite where maybe you kept your upgrades and started over it’d be more interesting then oh you start back over at the beginning of the day with the same things over and over try to beat these annoying ass dogs with the tiniest of hitboxes you don’t have enough control over your aim for the speed one hit potential and hit box the dogs possess without some luck or an upgraded shotgun (maybe) if you struggle through the RNG that far. The good part of this game the upgrades are well done and feel super rewarding minus mines mines will kill you from a long ass distance away and traps just place freaking randomly which is dumb put them in a line bro. Why are all my traps spawning at the top of the damn map? Dogs can run straight through the barricade game is for real not worth even a dollar.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

In the dark forest on Steam

Sandbox Anything

Sandbox Anything

Fun game would recommend to anyone. Cant wait for full release. Great game to challenge friends with

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

So, real quick, the game is in early access so there will be a lot of (like 7) new things in 2022 when its fully released. it WILL change prices from free to idk like 1.99? So, i checked the free box because the game will no longer be free by 2023. HA! we got 2 Y E A R S. get it while its free, kinda fun, and B U G G Y (spam ‘fix the bugs’ to them cause they can break the game)

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is


☐ Good

☐ Decent

☑ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Sandbox Anything on Steam