1976 - Back to midway

1976 - Back to midway

Not bad but not as great as I was expecting, or maybe not even good? Okay? Fine? Passable?

First, I wish there were more planes. Second, I wish there was more variety for weapon customization. Third, immersion mode on the Quest 2 PCVR is wonky… Maybe I’m doing something wrong here but I’ve tried all the VR controller options, and on the immersive bomber I cannot maintain the sights in front of me as they swing hard left and right ( it worked properly once). ::Edit:: Immersion mode just blows.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D 3D Games.

A LOT OF FUN! I got it on sale, and it was definitely worth it. Super addictive actually. I played this dev’s other game Operation Warcade and loved it and this is along the same lines, but with an airplane. Retro meets VR. Love it. (by the way, these people also make the mariokart-esque game Touring Karts, which is also a lot of fun).

Actually found this game when I played the demo for their other game 2076, which seems to take everything in this game and make it even better. Super psyched about that one!

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

1976 - Back to midway on Steam

2076 - Midway Multiverse

2076 - Midway Multiverse

I love this game!

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D First-Person Games.

I loved 1976, but 2076 feels so much better than 1976. The Graphics are really great (a video cannot transport how good this looks in VR), and the Gameplay has so much R-Type vibes plus Hand-Interaction with the envirnoment that is only possible in VR. The Immersion Zones feel great too (switching from sidescrolling to a Cockpit-Perspective).At the moment of writing i am stuck at the endboss of level 2, the traffic kills me everytime. Maybe i have to practice more, or is it too much traffic? ;) As a guy in the 50s who grown up with the Oldschool Arcade Games this was a Nobrainer to me.. 10/10

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

2076 - Midway Multiverse on Steam