

This game completely flew under the radar and i think its sad. The game in itself is awesome, completely original goi like mechanics, with a lots of nuance to the movement. Workshop support, not that hard to get into, you just need to know how to move and place object in unity.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Funny Games.

Emurinoo on Steam

Terra Nil

Terra Nil

Terra Nil, from eco-warriors Free Lives (Broforce) and recycled publisher Devolver Digital, presents players with the task of environmental rejuvenation.

The phases of wasteland reclamation

Begin with the water system, slowly purify the soil, and cultivate pioneer greenery. Embark on more ambitious tasks, restore biodiversity, fix the climate, introduce wildlife, and finally recycle all the structures you used to get there, leaving the environment pristine.

Unique, procedurally generated maps

Each region of the game has its own flavour and procedural generation palette. Yet even within a region, no two playthroughs will be the same.

Picturesque landscapes

Navigate sprawling, verdant, hand-painted environments where everything but the rocks move and breathe. A meditative soundtrack and stunning audio palette will accompany your efforts.

Read More: Best 2.5D Relaxing Games.

Terra Nil on Steam

Chicken Defender

Chicken Defender

Fun and short game. The game consists only of a couple levels which vary in difficulty. For the price just perfect, pretty polished tbh.

I would say there was a lack of weapons, a couple more would be fun. Also, the goal for the last level was 100, I got 26,000, that can probably be tweaked. But overall fun time, thanks developers.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Turn-Based Tactics Games.

A $A1.50 well spent. Good graphics and sound.

Thought this Tower Defense title could be a walk in the park - after getting my bottom spanked my first 4 tries, I am happy to amend that thought. I particularly like the fact that the game advises you, and shuts the level down when you are not going to be able to meet the level requirements. I can see that I am really going to have to think the levels right through.

A terrific value for money title.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Chicken Defender on Steam

Kombi Travels - Jigsaw Landscapes

Kombi Travels - Jigsaw Landscapes

I really enjoyed playing this game. Since jigsaw games is something I like playing that helps me feel relaxed. And very helpful when my mental health isn’t feeling good.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

The art of this game is very beautiful, the relaxing atmosphere is very pleasant.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Kombi Travels - Jigsaw Landscapes on Steam



Immerse yourself in nature as a sentient seed in this relaxing award-winning 2D puzzle platformer. Set in the tranquil backdrop of New Zealand’s native forest using real photos and videos.

Traverse through earthy greens, rocky plains and crystal-clear waters filled with interesting puzzles and secrets to uncover.


  • Take control of several unique creatures, each with their own abilities.

  • Solve intriguing puzzles through beautifully hand crafted levels.

  • Collect hidden secrets strewn across the photo-realistic environment.

  • Relax with the beautiful ambient soundtracks and nature sounds.

  • Learn more about the origins of the Seedlings through a narrative driven story.

Are you ready to be one of the Seedlings?

Seedlings on Steam

Sky Journey - Jigsaw Landscapes

Sky Journey - Jigsaw Landscapes

Simple little jigsaw puzzle game that I actually found very addictive once I had started; playing this while listening to podcasts helped me to unwind and it distracted me from the existential dread of existence. Few minor bugs but nothing that halts progress. Great to play when you’re slumped in a heap and only want to exert the energy of moving one hand. Recommended.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

In essence this is a puzzle game for the younger gamers.

The images are of the family friendly variety.

The art itself is not bad.

Several difficulty choices.

Music is alright.

Due to lack of puzzle “levels” I would only recommend on a steep discount. Got this game with a bundle myself.

As a challenge for myself, in progress of 100% the achievements as of posting of this review.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Sky Journey - Jigsaw Landscapes on Steam



EBE is an action-adventure game set on a planet in the Lyra constellation. The player takes the role of a small extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE), who recovers a strange micro-device from a humanoid alien lying dead in his crashed flying saucer. Using this device, the player will be able to connect to an alien network, solve puzzles, see distant locations (some of them on Earth), and bring back to life alien entities to contact the player himself.

EBE takes you on a visit to another planet teeming with life, from strange PSI energy-producing plants to small insect-like creatures. Everywhere you can find remnants of alien civilization: old buildings, antennae, and communication devices.

EBE on Steam



This is an utterly charming traversal-based metroidvania!

The world is colorful and interesting, but the surprising thing is how impeccably designed it is. It’s a compact little puzzle of a world, and everything is set perfectly in the right spot.

If the fun of games to you is exploration, asking “how do I get up to that spot?” “that tile looks strange, I wonder if I can do anything with it?"…then this is 100% your game!

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

This game is very nice and solidly done. It’s a “metroidvania” in the loosest of the sense that doesn’t really focus on action or combat, but instead on simple and engaging platforming puzzles. The item system is interesting in the way that you can access all 4 at the beginning, but only one at a time until you expand your holding capacity, which allows access to areas that require multiple items. The game is very slow-paced, almost too slow at times, but that’s exactly why you can change the game speed rendering it a non-issue (I prefer speed 3). Lastly, the graphics are cute and adorable with nice colors used throughout despite the art being very minimalistic.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Elephantasy on Steam

Cat Packs

Cat Packs

Dare to follow the Cat Packs on their first adventure. Defend the Golden Burrow and destroy the invaders! Travel across forests, beaches, mountains, lakes and rivers to discover the source of the mechanized menace threatening civilization.

High difficulty level (ex: Souls-Borne, Alt-F4). Devious bosses. Hybrid 2.5D action, toss physics, platformer, shooter (ex: Mega Man 11) grappler (ex: Unravel Two). Multiplayer (up-to-4) available.

Controls are familiar and easy to learn, difficult to master. Climb, swing, jump, glide, dash, and shoot to discover new areas. ‘Bubble’ allows novice players to play with experienced players. Engage in epic battles with enormous and challenging bosses. Discover hidden secrets and abilities on your adventures. ‘Groundhog Day’ levelling system allows the Cat Packs to enhance their abilities even further. Friends may join your game at any time!

Cat Packs on Steam

Dune Sea

Dune Sea

A relaxing side scrolling game set in a visually attractive world, with a soundtrack that promotes a calm and casual play style.

Controls feel more natural using a controller as opposed to a keyboard and are indeed solid. The only issue I had during play was the camera placement, which is a small negative and doesn’t take away from what this game is about.

Check my experience here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUfIURFSeQs

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dune Sea is a wholesome, zen little side-scrolling game where players take on the role of a Goose trying not to fucking die, well at the same time bringing back some life to a desolate desert.

The soundtrack is helps me get in the gliding mood, the controls are floaty but not too unruly and it’s got a quite beautiful low-poly world. If you’re looking for a game to kill an evening just zoning out and flying this is your game.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Dune Sea on Steam