Legacy Bites

Legacy Bites

Play cards to save the population of humans and the rest of the animal kingdom!

Key Features:

Random Game with optional deck building

Campaign Mode containing 24 missions


The world is divided into human and animal populations. Your goal is to keep each population within specific boundaries.

A game is played over various rounds. Each round a threat card is played by AI which changes the population of humans and animals in the world. The player receives 1-4 cards for that round to negate the effects of the threat card. Although the threat card only affects populations when the round ends, player cards may affect populations that round and up to the next two rounds. Plan and play cards carefully. After the last round ends all remaining population modifiers are played out. Keep an eye out for that! To make matters even more interesting, the boundaries for each population may change during the game! And there is a round timer! You’ll need quick hands and a quick mind to succeed!

Read More: Best 2.5D Cartoony Games.

Legacy Bites on Steam



In the game, players play the role of a vassal king who just succeeded to the throne in the spring and Autumn period.

Fully open the world, you can experience the life of princes and kings in it!

Main play method:

《1》 : internal affairs.

Players need to gather talents and build their own cabinet team at the beginning.

The official system in the game is completely consistent with the history books. It consists of taizai, Zongbo, Sikou, Sikong, situ and Sima. As Liuqing, he interacts with players and governs the country!

Read More: Best 2.5D Turn-Based Strategy Games.

Trickery&Strategy on Steam

Time Commando

Time Commando


I was only 7 the last time I had ever touched this game, that was all the way back in 2009. I got frustrated with Time Commando because of how difficult it was, never being able to finish the game after already halfway through it and eventually gave up. I ended up losing the disc somehow and when I did decide to give it another try I never found it again nor could I find another copy anywhere else, so I gave up looking and eventually forgot the game even existed.

Then LO AND BEHOLD, 12 years later and I stumble across this game again on Steam. Words cannot express how absolutely THRILLED I was to be able to play Time Commando again!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D 1990's Games.

i own it on CDROM now I own it on SteamROM

if u want the DOSBox to be in windowed mode with higher resolution, you have to go to the steam folder you installed it, like “X:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Time Commando”, find “TC.conf” and change the window resolution to something like “windowresolution=1280x960” then either “fullscreen=false” or just Alt+Enter when it opens

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Time Commando on Steam

King of the Universe

King of the Universe

In the 24th century BC, the Sumerians have turned the land of Mesopotamia from a simple Cradle of Civilization to the home of empires. It is your mission to take control of the kingdom of Kish and conquer your enemies, in order to become Lugal Kiški, King of the Universe.

The Sumerians, or “the black-headed people” (Sag̃-g̃i-ga in their native tongue), were the first people to invent both civilization and writing. Their well-organised and state-run societies make the perfect setting for a strategic video game. In King of the Universe, you will not only try to conquer your enemies, you will also have to take care of your own people.

Through military means you gather land and slaves, and through economic means you build new structures for your people. If your citizens do not produce enough supplies to quench your war machine, you will fail. If you do not protect your citizens from foreign invaders, you will fail. This game is about balance, and only by finding it will you become King of the Universe.

  • Tiles

    Claim tiles and build or destroy structures. Watch your people go about their day-to-day lives.

  • Wealth

    Garner Silver and resources, such as Food, Metal and Tools.

  • Troops

    Build an army, and order your soldiers around. Follow your individual troops with the camera.

  • Slaves

    Collect slaves when conquering foreign land, and use these to build new structures in your kingdom.

  • Citizens

    Keep an eye on the hunger and health of your people. Make sure every class in your kingdom has enough money to survive.

  • Pricing

    Decide the prices of wares in your kingdom, to control the economy to ensure profits for your state.

  • Trade

    Buy and sell with the other empires, to build relations and gain an extra income for your war machine.

King of the Universe on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia

I REALLY hoped that I would enjoy at least one of the Chronicles titles…but alas, to no avail as this fails quite miserably as well.

It actually started off quite promisingly. What Ubisoft mucked up in terms of story in the previous two (especially India) they did quite well here. this was the first story in Chronicles I felt invested in. The MC’s motivations as a family man and a father’s overprotectiveness work well to explain his motivations, the posession by shao Jun provided a nice touch and until the end you really didn’t know where it would go. Well, not like it did go somewhere that brilliant but it was a decent setup at least.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Wow! What an awesome game. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia unfortunately is the last series in the trilogy chronicle series where you play two characters Nicolai Orelov and Anastasia. In Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia you can use a telephone in one room can distract a guard in another or shooting out breaker boxes which shortens (but doesn’t eliminate) enemies field of vision. I love the environments (from nondescript buildings to blood-strewn laboratories and actual moving train, trams and boats) which makes the adventure even more involved, giving you the opportunity to really use your ever-changing surroundings to your advantage. The story, the gameplay, graphics and sounds are all of the highest caliber.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia on Steam

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Looks great. Could be great .

However there are a some serious bugs that make the game not really playable. At least , not faithful to the board game.

The card that makes a noble switch sides , should be decided on a die roll. I have seen that card come up four times, and it was successful each time. Could happen, but there is no dice rolled in the graphics makes me thing otherwise.

The main attack force and the reserves is the biggest problem, that is just chosen randomly by the computer.

Naval movement only allowed me to move one unit. And then asked me if i was sure , when i pressed NEXT. So the game at some level know i was allowed to move anther unit , but would not let me.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

The game requires some serious polish.

Besides a weak AI (more or less acceptable), coding is sometimes faulty.

The game hangs randomly due a fatal bug during wintering phase that turns it totally unplayable with either Scots or Brits. From time to time the cards drawing enters in a wierd loop.

Also noticed that picking destinations at the end of the turn are some times ignored, like Wallace unable to move to the forest, or nobles unable to pick specific castle.

There are some other improvable usability annoyances.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots on Steam

Prince of Qin

Prince of Qin

Cracked the game back then when I was 9 at 2009 and playing it 12 years later just feels so nostalgic from the music to the gameplay.

Real player with 51.4 hrs in game

Definitely more of a nostalgia buy, but it’s an old-school very deep RPG in the vein of old-school Divinity titles.

The game has a nice charm to it with the visuals and side content, but be prepared to consult guides occasionally and explore a lot because this game is cryptic sometimes.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Prince of Qin on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China Review

The fight continues…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Stunning 2.5D gameplay mechanics

  2. Multiple planes to navigate on

  3. A new and unique arsenal at your disposal

Gameplay & Controls:

The standard layout is advised against. The way the controls are configured for Mouse and Keyboard users is not the greatest. Fortunately, you have the means to change the button loadout to a more comfortable experience. Playing with a controller works just as well if that is your preferred method.

Real player with 266.6 hrs in game

The last mysterious Assassin’s Creed

There is no way I won’t recommend China, it is a great AC experience for those who care about the first two games, despise its flaws. Ezio trained Shao Jun, the most stylish assassin since Altair, performing graceful stunts to kill and then vanishing like a ghost, including a feet-dagger. It is no easy task to go classic, back again as it was in the past, the game is pseudo 3D side-scrolling that looks like Chronicles of Sub-Zero. It isn’t less complex than a full third person 3D game and can find its place on best AC games, maybe its just not enough for the setting. What really caught my attention the main character has the best voice acting on any AC to date and it is a waste to see that character squandered away with just a single game.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India

Thumbs up because it’s a nice enough game (the stealth parts are good fun, it has nice art, alright music and the voice acting isn’t too bad although not too remarkable either) and to counter the probably numerous reviewers who tend to bash Ubisoft titles only because of Uplay.

Still it probably could’ve been better. It feels a little short, the ending came rather abruptly, and maybe half of the levels - sometimes in direct succession - are timed-based with you having little freedom in your approaches but encouraging to kill guards to get through them quickly as possible, as they are only rated by your speed and not by how many sightings, alerts or kills you’ve had (or not) as is the case with the stealthy levels. This is rather a downside because if people have ever asked for stealth elements that feel rewarding and fun it’s the Chronicles games that of any AC titles have them (Chronicles: China had such time-based levels too, but they didn’t feel like taking up as much space as they do in Chronicles: India). Oddly enough there are even parts where you are mostly forced (!) to snipe enemies down with a rifle, sometimes semi-silently, but still in a rather easy and cheaply feeling manner.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Okay, let’s begin with some basic stuff. You can only say that you think this game is good or bad. You can also compare it to China, but that’s all. You cannot compare it to other Assassin’s Creed games, like Unity. It’s a different type of game, 2.5D, so there is no meanful comparison to first person ACs.

Now, if you liked China, you’ll definitely like this one (unless you only like female assassins). I can see improvement to many areas: artwork is even more outstanding, graphics look better as well as the colours, cities feel more alive and the whole environment gives more options and space to discover. There is also a map. In addition, you can now change control buttons (huge problem with China). As for the rest, story is good, creativity is needed, movement in depth looks amazing.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India on Steam

Retro Golden Age - The Abbey of Crime

Retro Golden Age - The Abbey of Crime

Get ordained in The Abbey of Crime, THE most awarded Spanish graphic adventure game of the 80’s and solve the dangerous mystery that has been hidden among the dusty pages of history for more than five centuries.

Become the friar Guillermo de Mosce and return to your order to discover the reasons why you were imprisoned by the Holy Inquisition.

“_After being accused, deemed guilty and imprisoned by the very Pope John XXIII during the fourteenth century, Guillermo de Mosce flees from the jail in Avignon to seek asylum in the court of Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria. But after his death, Guillermo decides to come back to his order, accompanied by a young novice with the intention of meeting Bernardo Moi, head of the inquisition led by the pope.

Nobody never knew what really happened. There is only a disciple’s account left, which would shed light several years after upon those horrible and astonishing events, which remained secret ever since…_”


  • Original studio game

  • Rewind option

  • Original instruction manual

  • Original material

  • Development notes

  • Trophies

  • Steam/Nintendo Switch/PS4

Retro Golden Age - The Abbey of Crime on Steam