Memento Infernum

Memento Infernum

Pretty fun to play, awesome time killer. Great Hell mode that allows you to compete with your friends. There is still much to do but its definitely worth to buy.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Demons Games.

There are no bugs. Only features. Story mode isnt anything special but the hell mode is where the things are getting exciting, cracking the skulls of everything that is near me with a shotgun is very satisfying, though i dont think that is how guns work

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Memento Infernum on Steam

The Struggles Of Stefan

The Struggles Of Stefan

An adventure that takes persistence and passion from not just Stefan (the protagonist), but also the player. Brace yourself as you are guided by Stefan’s conscience to confront enemies, take countless leaps, and engage in progression of a storyline regarding the acceptance of oneself.

  • A 2.5-dimensional platformer with a plot of accepting life choices, and their potential ramifications.

  • Acquire particular items to accomplish each level quicker & easier.

  • Basic controller mechanics.

  • Multiple chapters consisting of numerous themes.

Read More: Best 2.5D Narration Games.

The Struggles Of Stefan on Steam

Dream Catcher: Prologue

Dream Catcher: Prologue

[Free-to-Play] Note: this is a Prologue

I enjoy this game very much! The gameplay consist of rotating around to make the pieces fit in at a certain angle, and the background music is really soothing, I enjoy reading the short stories

This game is recommended if you like puzzle-theme games, this game focuses on spatial thinking

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Atmospheric Games.

Cute game. Only 30 minutes. It was just a peaceful little puzzle game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Dream Catcher: Prologue on Steam

Touhou Monster TD ~ 幻想乡妖怪塔防

Touhou Monster TD ~ 幻想乡妖怪塔防

Very nice TD, reminded me of several old td games i’ve played. Highly recommended for all td lovers, enjoy guys) Lunatic difficulty is nice if u are old timer TD player;) Some challenge levels are realllly nice. Thank you devs for this game!

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Just wow :) Totally CUTE smooth slick Tower Defense with Touhou Characters as the tower itself. What’s not to like? Map Design and music is very charming. Every aspect is Cute and charming. And cute and charming and cute and charming you get the idea

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Touhou Monster TD ~ 幻想乡妖怪塔防 on Steam

Fallen from the sky

Fallen from the sky

Fallen from the sky - a casual game with adventure elements, executed in 2.5 D graphics, where you have to descend from heaven to earth. The game is attractive not for its visual component and gameplay variety, but for the philosophical thought underlying it. This ideal of engineering, socio-philological and gamedev thought aims to develop mindfulness and responsiveness.


The main character (the so-called “Dude”) after death went to heaven, but he did not like it and he decides to escape to hell, where they are waiting for him with open arms, because in our life the main thing is not the environment, but who you are with. how you really feel.

The task at each level is to collect coins to move on to the next, because only in paradise everything is for everyone and in unlimited quantities, unlike the earth, and even more so, the world is under our feet.

First, the Dude falls in the clouds, then among skyscrapers, sewers, and so on until hell.

All this separately hints at the different palaces of the mind of people and clearly shows the biblical scriptures, only in a different order:

  • Sky - complete purity

  • Skyscrapers and sewerage - boilers that will help cleanse

  • Hell is the dirtiest place and those who get there almost always have no right not only to become clean, but even to try to cleanse themselves from their sins

This game does not want to offend anyone, let alone propagandize something, but is simply an impulse of imagination of the author and me, who is writing this description for the game.

Fallen from the sky on Steam

Touhou Adventure

Touhou Adventure


But seem to be getting some developer love.

Keep it on your wishlist and come back in around 3 to 4 months.

Changing the review from a negative one to a positive one since the developer is really trying to fix whatever is wrong with the current build.

– Will update if things change in the future.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Touhou Adventure on Steam



V.R.G. feels like a game where someone decided they wanted to put all of their idea into one game. That isn’t a bad thing for this game however as what’s there is pretty fun. It’s just a blast running around shooting random wizards without much thought, just go crazy with all of it’s mechanic and be creative. What’s in the game right now is pretty short but it isn’t a bad thing however as both of the episodes that are offered currently are very replayable. I would definitely recommend playing this game if you want a parkour boomer shooter to be played in short-bursts if you feel like it.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

This is one of the most fun, most promising games I’ve played in a while. The movement and mechanics of this game are nothing short of exceptional, and If the developer gets the game’s bugs knocked out and increases the amount of content, this could really be something special. Lot of potential here, I’m excited to follow the rest of this game’s development.


The second group of levels are significantly more difficult than the first. Not too difficult, but way more challenging than the first chapter.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

V.R.G. on Steam