Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China Review

The fight continues…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Stunning 2.5D gameplay mechanics

  2. Multiple planes to navigate on

  3. A new and unique arsenal at your disposal

Gameplay & Controls:

The standard layout is advised against. The way the controls are configured for Mouse and Keyboard users is not the greatest. Fortunately, you have the means to change the button loadout to a more comfortable experience. Playing with a controller works just as well if that is your preferred method.

Real player with 266.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Female Protagonist Games.

The last mysterious Assassin’s Creed

There is no way I won’t recommend China, it is a great AC experience for those who care about the first two games, despise its flaws. Ezio trained Shao Jun, the most stylish assassin since Altair, performing graceful stunts to kill and then vanishing like a ghost, including a feet-dagger. It is no easy task to go classic, back again as it was in the past, the game is pseudo 3D side-scrolling that looks like Chronicles of Sub-Zero. It isn’t less complex than a full third person 3D game and can find its place on best AC games, maybe its just not enough for the setting. What really caught my attention the main character has the best voice acting on any AC to date and it is a waste to see that character squandered away with just a single game.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India

Thumbs up because it’s a nice enough game (the stealth parts are good fun, it has nice art, alright music and the voice acting isn’t too bad although not too remarkable either) and to counter the probably numerous reviewers who tend to bash Ubisoft titles only because of Uplay.

Still it probably could’ve been better. It feels a little short, the ending came rather abruptly, and maybe half of the levels - sometimes in direct succession - are timed-based with you having little freedom in your approaches but encouraging to kill guards to get through them quickly as possible, as they are only rated by your speed and not by how many sightings, alerts or kills you’ve had (or not) as is the case with the stealthy levels. This is rather a downside because if people have ever asked for stealth elements that feel rewarding and fun it’s the Chronicles games that of any AC titles have them (Chronicles: China had such time-based levels too, but they didn’t feel like taking up as much space as they do in Chronicles: India). Oddly enough there are even parts where you are mostly forced (!) to snipe enemies down with a rifle, sometimes semi-silently, but still in a rather easy and cheaply feeling manner.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Singleplayer Games.

Okay, let’s begin with some basic stuff. You can only say that you think this game is good or bad. You can also compare it to China, but that’s all. You cannot compare it to other Assassin’s Creed games, like Unity. It’s a different type of game, 2.5D, so there is no meanful comparison to first person ACs.

Now, if you liked China, you’ll definitely like this one (unless you only like female assassins). I can see improvement to many areas: artwork is even more outstanding, graphics look better as well as the colours, cities feel more alive and the whole environment gives more options and space to discover. There is also a map. In addition, you can now change control buttons (huge problem with China). As for the rest, story is good, creativity is needed, movement in depth looks amazing.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia

I REALLY hoped that I would enjoy at least one of the Chronicles titles…but alas, to no avail as this fails quite miserably as well.

It actually started off quite promisingly. What Ubisoft mucked up in terms of story in the previous two (especially India) they did quite well here. this was the first story in Chronicles I felt invested in. The MC’s motivations as a family man and a father’s overprotectiveness work well to explain his motivations, the posession by shao Jun provided a nice touch and until the end you really didn’t know where it would go. Well, not like it did go somewhere that brilliant but it was a decent setup at least.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Parkour Games.

Wow! What an awesome game. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia unfortunately is the last series in the trilogy chronicle series where you play two characters Nicolai Orelov and Anastasia. In Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia you can use a telephone in one room can distract a guard in another or shooting out breaker boxes which shortens (but doesn’t eliminate) enemies field of vision. I love the environments (from nondescript buildings to blood-strewn laboratories and actual moving train, trams and boats) which makes the adventure even more involved, giving you the opportunity to really use your ever-changing surroundings to your advantage. The story, the gameplay, graphics and sounds are all of the highest caliber.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia on Steam



Angels,Demons and Men 2(when worlds collide) is a story rich,hack n slash,acdventure rpg.Darkness continues to take over

the lands.Explore new locations,master new skills,stand up and fight.


Alexander(the royal guard) continues his journey back to the kingdom through the demon maze

Kaia(the angel) continues the search for her mentor and old friend

Audra(the mage) crosses into hell through a portal to free mia.

Cade (the demon king) continues to match his army through the kingdom and slaying everything in his way

Lance(the captain of knights) assembles the last men in the kingdom for one last stand against cade


Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja

Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja

When whack-a-mole meets Ninjas. Discover “Whack A Ninja”, an arcade-type indie game created by Chris Braibant. Beat all the ninjas in this intense, action-packed game, in the pursuit of the best score and sadistic pleasure of experimenting with all the ways to eliminate those cowled suckers.

Ninjas Busters: Whack A Ninja on Steam

Covert Commando

Covert Commando

Good shooter that the Devs are constantly improving. Enemy AI is smart and getting smarter. Graphics have improved a lot from the Minecraft style they started with. Battlefields are big and procedurally generated to include actually challenging arenas and not just random blocks and mazes.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Covert Commando


fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,


too few maps.

good game.

Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.49 Or Less During Sale

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Covert Commando on Steam