Millennium Atoll

Millennium Atoll

The idea is very nice and one can tell the effort it has been put on it, cool atmosphere.

But frankly, this game has no more than 40 minutes gameplay, it cannot be sold for the price it has. It is quite sad. It would be better to bundle it with other games. Or maybe I missed something?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2.5D Horror Games.

I loved the characters and they stories, the main plot is super interesting.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Millennium Atoll on Steam

In Flames

In Flames

In Flames is a 2D adventure with lots of puzzles and an immersive storyline. It is set in the 80s rural America with all the features you’d expect – a spooky town, characters with well-developed back stories, and a great mystery to solve. Finn Clayton finds himself chained to a tree in the middle of a crisis, and is about to find out what is going on.

Read More: Best 2.5D Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

In Flames on Steam

Best Month Ever!

Best Month Ever!

Best Month Ever is a modern point-and-click story-driven adventure of Louise and her son Mitch. Life is hard for Louise as a single mom, struggling to make ends meet. But things can always get worse, and after being diagnosed with a terminal illness that leaves her with one month to live, the clock is ticking for her to raise her son. But how do you explain that to an 8-year old kid? Mitch is picking up things fast - like a duckling, he observes his mother and imitates her behavior - but time is running out and Louise has to think carefully about making the right decisions and setting a good example for Mitch to follow. Together, they hit the road to take back the time that was stolen from them and live a lifetime as mother and son in 4 short weeks…

This intense family trip takes place during a groovy 60s era. Mother and son are thrown into both dangerous and funny situations, all of which impact their relationship and future. Their intimate tale plays out against the backdrop of a United States torn apart by political tensions and divided by brutal social inequality.

You will learn about the facts and decisions from the past in flashbacks and through memories of the grown-up Mitch - the narration constantly switches between the “past” (the 60s) and the “present” (the 70s). Finally, we jump back in time to decide what choices Louise made and how they affected the future of the two. Players’ decisions will also help shape a unique image of her as to what kind of person she was.

  • Decisions REALLY matter! To keep track of Mitch’s growth as a person, each choice you make adds positive or negative influence to three statistics: Righteousness, Confidence, and Relations. As a result, this changes your story on the go, which makes each player’s experience feel unique.

  • Mother & Son relationship - Not only will their individual fates be subject to change, but also their mutual relationship. Best Month Ever is above all else the story of the touching, challenging and unique bond that can only exist between a mother and son.

  • Different Outcomes - Turn on, tune in, drop out… and decide! Different choices result in different endings of the game. It is up to the player to decide what kind of person Mitch will become and what exactly happened during his memorable journey through the USA with his mother.

  • Weird 60s trip - What a time to travel it was! Canned Heat was singing about “Going Up the Country” while Bob Dylan asked “How does it feel” to have no home and live on the street. Louise and Mitch travel across the country, meeting bikers, hippies, Klansmen, Native Americans, and far-out wanderers of all sorts.

  • No losers here! - Don’t be a square, you can’t ‘lose’ in Best Month Ever! Your decision will shape Mitch as an adult person. He may of course get some kicks on the way, but hey, the story will still be unique and rewarding! Can you dig it?

Read More: Best 2.5D Point & Click Games.

Best Month Ever! on Steam

Camp Canyonwood

Camp Canyonwood

Welcome to historic Camp Canyonwood! You’re the new Head Counselor, tasked with breathing new life into these old campgrounds. The Campers are here, and they’re hungry for some summer fun. Their amusement, education and most importantly safety lies in your hands. Good luck, and watch for the things that go bump in the night.

Build Your Dream Camp

Gather materials and funds to improve your camp each summer, and design it as you see fit.

Guide Your Troop

Lead troops of campers each summer in pursuit of Merit Badges. The more they learn, the more you earn.

Beware of Dangers

Camping isn’t always easy. Protect your campers from dangers both natural and supernatural.

Live the Camp Life

Hike, fish, bug catch and more in a scenic Utah-inspired wilderness.

Camper Personalities

No two campers are the same. Each have their own unique personalities and quirks. Learn their needs to better reach them!

Camp Canyonwood on Steam

Mr. Prepper: Prologue

Mr. Prepper: Prologue

The Meta:

This is a free prologue, as a feature-limited demo of the full game which expands upon the content that was made available in the demo from July. You have absolutely no reason not to try this.

I’ve played rather extensively through the beta testing, and can attest that the devs are incredibly responsive to the player community, both for bug fixing and implementing player-suggested improvements or modifications, and I fully expect that behavior to apply to the full game.

The game includes no microtransactions.

Real player with 70.7 hrs in game

Originally, I thought the prologue would end in 30 days at most, but later I found out that I was still too young and naive. On the first day of the second month, I angrily ate all my food. I have many cans which used all the money I made to buy, and with lots of blueberry milkshakes and carrot soup. It’s ridiculous that I didn’t have diarrhea after eating it all! Ok, I have to quit the game in dismay!

Talk about the advantages and shortcomings of this game. This game is still very creative, painting style is good, it is said that the official version has more content. In terms of content, the game is undoubtedly a success. But the game also has some shortcomings:

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Mr. Prepper: Prologue on Steam

Mr. Prepper

Mr. Prepper

I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t sure if I liked it the first few hours but boy did I change my mind. I was expecting to actually have to survive in the shelter I created and see the aftermath of the wasteland left after the world goes to hell and I was puzzled as to why this sort of game play wasn’t added in but it’s still a fantastic base building , survival game and I hope they’ll add DLC in the future, where you’ll actually be able to survive in the bunker or even get to experience what happens after landing the rocket .

Real player with 448.5 hrs in game

Mr. Prepper. A survival base building game that’s not about survival and not about base building but purely story-driven.

TL;DR: If you can get it cheap (10 USD/EUR), give it a shot. But if you want a survival challenge or expect another game like This War Of Mine, STAY AWAY. It has SO much unused potential. It could be so much more.


  • Interesting story. Mr. Prepper is not your average guy.

  • The typical “just one more day” game design that sucks you in.

  • 3 (4) NPCs you interact with that are all kinda likable.

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Mr. Prepper on Steam



Trains-Continental puts you in the role of western railroad builder. Your ultimate goal is to take the challenge and connect East and West, building the most impressive railway line in the United States. You need to be quick, as trains don’t have time to wait for you – put all the tracks together before the locomotive arrives!

Trains-Continental is a game about quick decisions, smart tracks management, and a race against time. There is no room for hesitation – the train is coming and you need to build the shiny new railroad before it. Place or remove tracks as needed, gather resources, and make the locomotive pass through all the stations to collect all stars and get the best score.

Game features:

  • Build transcontinental railway in United States of XIX century.

  • Manage tracks to make the train pass all the stations

  • Beware of the dangers on the road! The safety of the locomotive is your highest priority!

  • Fight against the passing time. The train won’t wait forever.

  • Enjoy the beautiful, vivid views of the Wild West.

  • Test your railroad building skills in multiple, distinct locations.

Trains-Continental on Steam

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

It sure is nice to have a new beat em up to play. They don’t make too many of these anymore. I particularly like the tie in to the excellent Cobra Kai netflix series. Unlike the show, don’t expect this to have any good writing (save for the genuinely funny one liners that the characters have after winning a fight). This is purely a fighting game, one that is clearly a loving homage specifically to the Streets of Rage series. It’s both better and worse than Streets of Rage 4, which I’ll get in to later. Everyone you run across in the street from hippies to mothers to emo kids are all inexplicably out for your blood, which is funny in its own regard. Sometimes characters will provide humorous meta commentary on this. Every character of note in the netflix series is either playable or is a boss in some level. Cobra Kai has fire powers while Miyagi Do has ice powers. Tone wise, it’s far more light and irreverent than the show; it does not take itself seriously in the slightest. Some might find this off-putting, but subjectively this works quite well.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Loved the Karate Kid movies when I was young, I did not really follow the Cobra Kai series but I’m guessing it’s as cheesy as the movies, if not more. There is no lack of cheesiness in this game, that’s for sure.

Beat ‘em Up games also give me those nostalgic feelings of back in the day when I used to play games like; Golden Axe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV, Fighting Force, Double Dragon and Streets Of Rage to name a few.

Graphically, I can’t say the game is gorgeous but it also didn’t really bother me that much. It actually made me think of another Beat ‘Em up “Double Dragon Neon” , a game which I couldn’t get into.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues on Steam



The city is under siege and you have no abilities whatsoever… yet. Help Chip gain more fighting abilities (as well as increased stamina and health!) as you fight your way Downtown!

Chip was just lounging on the couch like any other typical day when his girlfriend went out to buy some food (she said something about shortages and unrest, or something like that) when he sees on the news that chaos broke out around the local convenience store, fences were erected and no one can get into Downtown! He must find a way in and save her, but first he must learn some skills.

Downtown on Steam

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker

This game sucks and borderline unplayable. The mechanics don’t work and instead of fixing his game he just release PAID DLC cheats that speed everything up with the most expensive being $20~ AUD. RIDICULOUS! AVOID!

Real player with 2114.1 hrs in game

A clicker game that states, “You won’t stuck waiting for more income. There is always something you can build or upgrade” …that punishes you for clicking, by throttling/stopping your income if you click too much?

…and even when your income is coming in, there is definitely not always something to do.

The game is what it is, which isn’t all bad, but the more I reread the description, the more I ask myself…why state things that just aren’t true?

Also…no window mode? Sigh

Real player with 1374.6 hrs in game

Trump VS Covid: Save The World Clicker on Steam