

Really nice game in which You have to select and take over areas. I’d say that the genre is very simple (I even forgot that this kind of games existed as I played games like this around 10 years ago) but in this game every level feels unique. There’s story mode with 3 stages for each girl and if You want it You can install optional free patch that adds nudity. There’s also arcade mode with global scoreboard which is kinda mid-level difficulty to get top score in because of the score multipliers being bigger with difficulty increased. I’ve got 4th place playing every level on hard but I kept dying on one level so I gave up. The art style is nice and gameplay is satisfying as long as You don’t grind arcade mode for top scores and keep dying in the same level. Difficulty changes include changes to player/enemy movement speed, negative bonuses from boxes and scores multipliers (x1, x2, x4). If You’re aiming for good score the game can be really hard with each level unique mobs movement and attack patterns. Here’s an example of one of the unique bosses

! in one level there’s a guy yelling to his father to stop downloading while he’s playing and the game keeps freezing every few seconds saying “waiting for other players” Girls and bosses have voice acting which is really nice. Overall I recommend buying it on a sale as the story mode is 1-2 hours and not everyone’s gonna grind arcade mode for score. I think I spent too much time doing it as I kept dying many times which resulted in 8 hours of total gameplay until I finally decided to just play it on easy to get the achievements and finish the game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1990's NSFW Games.

Great game! Brings back memories of playing the original prototype known as Gals Panic back at selected arcades in the 1990’s. Honestly no one cared back then when a swarm of teens were over the Gals Panic arcade cabinet in the imported arcade wing at the local arcade. Giving this game an adult content rating is a bit strong in my opinion even with the optional complementary adult add on. The complementary adult add on adds nice visuals that are tastefully done. Nothing out of the ordinary in my opinion. I’ve seen much more graphic adult instances in general anime. What is so taboo about showing a adult-cartoon body? However, violence, foul language/profanity, death, and body part decapitation is perfectly normal in the majority of modern video games these days.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Mokoko on Steam

Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon

Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon

I knew getting back in the “dating game” would be a challenge after being out of it for over 10,000 years. When I was released from the privilege mines, I had to learn all the new things “the dating crowd” was trying. I knew about scented CIS skulls and gluten-free cardboard, and sure was glad to hear people still use them. But I had no idea that “video games” were so popular with the “romantics” out there. All it took was one stroll through the Steam Store to prove I had to learn a new thing.

“Where to start?”, I wondered. I wanted something simple. However, all I saw in the store was console ports that were covered with $19.99 DLC and extreme arson, or designed to somehow “heat” your NVIDIA card. No way, Jose! (I experienced the “heat” thing personally once after an adventurous incident with an XBox. I’ll stick with “room temperature” from now on, thank you very much.)

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1990's Family Friendly Games.

WOOOOOOO MAMA what a glo up boi. This lil puttlet was uggo as all hell my dudes but guess what? You better be watchin' who you bully in middle school cos this bitch is thicc af these days and ALLLL MINE. Come to the park where the Fire happened in september, I’ll be surprising him with a proposal!!!! Hopefully we’ll be legally bonded by the end of the year! I love my sweet honey trunks soo very dearly it’d mean alot. Still dunno about that Firebird guy…seems like a bad influence….Sendin' him off in space OBVIOUSLY on purpose with no other words of advice then “Seatbelts!” He oughtta be ashamed of himself! Luckily my boi Putt0 made it in the end throuh his sheer kindness alone….

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon on Steam



Tomomi: Denkitomodachi

Coming soon…

Read More: Best 1990's Indie Games.

Tomomi on Steam

Bubsy Two-Fur

Bubsy Two-Fur

For the time, the game had purrfectly acceptable level design; it just didn’t age well in the face of the relatively homogenized (milk pun? Sure, let’s go with that), and, honestly, much betfur ubiquitious one-lane, always-move-right standard we have today.

So, think the level design is bad? Keep dying on the first stage? I can actually get to stage 7 with all nine lives, at this point, and I’ll tell you how.

Think of every level as having 4+ “planes”, none of which necessarily intfuract with one another well. There’s sometimes a “dungeon” plane, there’s the ground, there’s the roof-plane, and there are usually 2-3 regions above the roofs.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

I’ve seen so many people claim that Bubsy games are suposedly awful, but to my surprise, these two aren’t as bad as I expected it to be. Wouldn’t really call them masterpieces in any way, but they are actually pretty decent. I personally enjoyed the games despite them being ridiculously hard at times since it’s a one hit instadeath sorta type of deal you get with it, but thankfully it comes with a save state feature that makes things much more easier.

My only major problems are that the audio has a mild issue, in which a cracking sound appears every couple minutes or so and as for the gameplay itself; In the first game, it feels like Bubsy is running on ice 24/7, which gets really annoying at some points and you can get killed off-camera by certain obstacles since the camera is way too zoomed in on Bubsy. Speaking of things that can kill you, some seemingly innocent looking things can kill you as well, like a bubble gum machine or a brightly colored, round shaped innocent looking car, which is confusing as hell when you first play the game. However, in Bubsy II, it is a big improvement and abstains from certain mistakes Bubsy I tended to make. Overall it’s a 7/10 buy and I would especially recommend getting it if it’s on sale.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Bubsy Two-Fur on Steam