Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day

Malcom’s Day® is a platformer whose development was influenced by a strong passion for videogames of the ’80s and ’90s and by the beautiful experiences lived in the daily life of those years.

Developed by a guy from the ’90s.


What follows is a brief summary that describes some details of this adventure such as the presentation of the main character and some features related to the gameplay.

The truth is that a video game is difficult to explain and the best way to understand it is to play!


Who is Malcom?

He is a middle school kid whose main passion is make a mess!

Mocking the professors and pranking them fill his school mornings.

One day after coming back from the physical education lesson with his classmates, the teacher of the next hour was sitting at her desk waiting for him.

Without even giving him the time to set his backpack down, she blamed him for hiding the items contained in her pencil case.

Given his history he was immediately put in the worst of punishments…The desk to the front of the class where it was impossible to copy during the tests, at least until the items will be returned.

But what if it wasn’t him the guilty one this time?

Malcom wants to prove his innocence, a strange journey awaits him!


At the start of the game only one physical attack at close range is available but it will not be long before you can get hold of curious instruments for long-range attacks.

At this point fighting against enemies will be much more fun!


Each area in which there is a fundamental item to solve the case is protected by a strong enemy, but after defeating him you will be rewarded with a new outfit!

After being collected, the new outfit can be worn by selecting it from the menu.

The new outfits, as well as changing the look of Malcom, allow the use of more powerful attacks or the creation of objects useful for energy recovery or the recovery of points that allow special attacks to be carried out, such as (funny) attacks that cause continuous damage to enemies.


Malcom will not be alone in this adventure.

Many will be the allies able to provide valuable advice and suggestions such as where to find a hidden object, how to complete a secondary mission or even suggest a secret password to be inserted in a strange device located inside an abandoned submarine that can only be reached after finding and wearing a wetsuit…

There will be bizarre characters and creatures whose existence is considered a legend.


It will be possible to face many missions besides the main one, each of which will have a precise goal.

Some involve the discovery of hidden objects, others the destruction of many cars, still others searching for people…or growing a plant, increasing the level of some skills, collecting medicines, etc etc ect…


The main story offers a series of challenging adventures, but ending the story does not mean having finished the whole game!

In fact in the menu there is a section dedicated exclusively to the percentage of completion in which the requests to be met are shown and next to each of them the relative percentage obtained after completing that particular request.

You can complete the whole game at any time, even after completing the main story!


As mentioned earlier some outfits give Malcom the ability to craft objects that allow the recovery of energy or the recovery of other points necessary to carry out special attacks.

It is good to keep in mind, however, that these skills will be usable only if Malcolm has the basic materials necessary for the preparation, as well as having the correct outfit.


It’s up to you to discover the rest, see you soon!

Read More: Best 1990's Indie Games.

Malcom's Day on Steam



IZBOT has defeated Bedlor and the organic invasion but in a final act of defiance Bedlor has uploaded his consciousness into the city’s network and turned all the peace loving robots against our hero.

The latest IZBOT adventure features lots of challenging hand crafted levels as well as some large and powerful bosses.

iZBOT 2 features:

  • Still no underwater levels.

  • Fast paced precision platforming.

  • Wall slides, dashing and double jumps.

  • Cute robot protagonist.

  • More juice than you can poke a stick at.

Read More: Best 1990's Linear Games.

IZBOT 2 on Steam