Mainframe Defenders

Mainframe Defenders

After playing this for 22 hours, I must say it has been one hell of a ride. Its a nostalgia trip back to XCOM without having to worry about cover but more on your current position. At the highest difficulty, the limits of your tactical prowess are tested to its limits. You need to shoot and advance/retreat at the same time constantly. Thankfully while this is a roguelike, for now, you can return to the main menu and retry again. Why go for the easy mission when you could strive for the harder ones and reward yourself for the hard work?

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Puzzle Games.

A great little tactics game with lots of style and a fair deal more depth than would first appear on the surface.

Its visuals are stellar, if you’re into the retro style, with plenty of very satisfying little animations and effects. The menus, explosions, and gunfire all look and feel amazing. Perhaps not as stylish as something like Cogmind, but definitely in the same wheelhouse.

The audio is fantastic, with really nice oldschool techno beats that feel straight out of synthwave cyberpunk fare, alongside unique sound effects for just about every gun and enemy in the game.

Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Mainframe Defenders on Steam



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“The last thing you hear before being exploded by an angry monkey? Ba-BOOM”

Some of you have never played Concept Software’s Alien which was released for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC in 1984. For the most part, I suspect most of you have not played Concept Software’s Alien directly because it was released for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC in 1984. But! Despite its near 40-year lifespan and the now-archaic hardware it calls home, I might offer the argument that you’ve been missing out. In fact, screw it, I will! It’s frankly amazing what that game manages to do with so little, and how hard it works on being an authentic companion piece to the seminal film it shares its name with.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Dark Humor Games.

Apparently this is a remake from a really old C64/spectrum game, and they made a great job on the graphics and music.

Nothing is explained but once you get the gist of it, it’s about moving from room to room and switching characters to do actions and guess where the alien is, pretty cerebral, slow and frankly archaic. This was acceptable in the very early 80s, on the first 8 bit computers, but difficult to recomend today unless you’re really hardcore nostalgic.

I might not be the target audience

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Insanium on Steam

Realms of Antiquity: The Shattered Crown

Realms of Antiquity: The Shattered Crown

A good game that captures the spirit of games like Ultima 4 / Questron / Magic Candle… if you can afford to spend the time it requires to play it.

My gripe with it is that’s It’s sometimes slow paced, with only a few keyboard commands that don’t make party management user friendly.

It would be nice to have some kind of option since it’s emulated (like a key combo to speed up things as featured in some emulators) to speed up the game when the user wishes it so. Crossing large plains or fighting weak monsters is sometimes a chore.

Real player with 151.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Retro Games.

This game is very interesting in a lot of ways.

It is very lateral, in that you can essentially go through out the world and explore wherever and not feel completely powerless even at level 1.

The leveling curve feels somehow both extremely important and powerful but utterly unimportant.

This is a game where you have to pay attention to what you read, and everything leads to something. I still haven’t beaten it and im 74 hours in. Average play through is 110 hours.

I learn new stuff constantly, and exploring is delightful. The story is more complex than expected too, every trope you think is going to pop up.. just somehow doesn’t.

Real player with 127.9 hrs in game

Realms of Antiquity: The Shattered Crown on Steam

Valley Knights

Valley Knights

I highly recommend Valley Knights for several reasons - but I think the most important one is that over the past few weeks I have found the developer to be extremely passionate about the game, listens intently to player feedback & is quick with patches/updates. Through my interactions with them I have seen first hand how much they genuinely care about the player experience & how much they want the game to be loved & shaped by the community / for the community.

If you have ever played a turn-based roguelike game & enjoyed yourself but wish a few things were different - this is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor to help shape an incredible game with a passionate indie developer creating a piece of work that is clearly important to them. This is all about building a great game, something the developer can stand behind & be proud of and that has been obvious to me through the developers actions to date.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Game isnt done yet but has a lot of potential,


more items, more quest, more classes, bigger maps and more bosses.

Maybe ultimate or “super ability” during combat sometimes?

Better terrain tactics on the battle grid?

More vision and a larger playfield on the battle grid?

Randomly generated traps or random events on the battle grid? |

What it doesn;t need:

your asshole opinion, game is not done yet.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Valley Knights on Steam

Badland Envoys

Badland Envoys

In a broken world of desolated wastelands, chaos, rage and destruction dictate the rules of survival. Far stretches of the ruined land are ruled by self-acclaimed warlords and bandits that roam the roads with their diesel-fueled war machines, delivering the cruelty to anyone that dares to enter their domain. In all of this madness, pockets of a new civilization start to shimmer. That’s where you come in. As a member of the Badland Envoy’s, and elite guild of skilled drivers, you’ll be tasked with leading the expeditions between towns and newly created settlements, establishing safe routs, protecting the cargo, and eliminating any encountered threat. You’ll be a messenger, a porter, a warrior, and most of all, a new hope for those that try to rebuild humanity.

Do you have what it takes?

If you’re get stopped out there, you’ll die. Think fast, drive faster, react instantly. Remember, it’s not always about the speed of your car – sometimes it’s about the speed of your trigger.

Spending some of that hard-earned buck on your rides is always a good idea. Installing new armor plating, homing missiles launcher or a high tech nitro system can make a difference between life and death out there on the road. Be good to your chariots and they’ll repay you with the same. Trust me.

So you’ve got a few extra wheels and hired some new crew members? Good. You can trust them to have your back, but when things get really tough, don’t hesitate to give them commands from a more tactical point of view. It can save your life, and more importantly – your cargo.

If it wasn’t about the job, we’ll be no different than the bandits. The orders placed through the Guild give us goals, meaning and hope for a better feature. Remember that all orders have different sets of requirements. Delivering medicine through hills requires more vehicles, different gear and more specialized crew than a recon mission deep into marshlands. Plan ahead and you’ll be fine.

See you on the road.


  • Experience fast-paced, action-oriented vehicular combat.

  • Use Tactical mode for more top-down approach.

  • Unlock deadly vehicles to ride, upgrade and shine with style.

  • Gather unique vehicle customizations, including armor plating, weapons, and tuning parts.

  • Encounter savage enemies, each witch different strengths, weaknesses and combat tactics.

  • Challenge world bosses, including armored train and mechanized desert fortress.

  • Complete dozens of orders spread through the far reaches of Badlands.

  • Recruit additional crew members, each with a different set of unique skills and traits.

  • Traverse various environments – from town ruins, through desert wastelands, all to the bogged wetlands.

  • Experience a day and night cycle that affects gameplay – It’s harder to aim at night, but remember - it works both ways.

  • Witness various environmental conditions and dangers, like corrosive acid rain or deadly desert storm.

Badland Envoys on Steam

Swords and Sandals Immortals

Swords and Sandals Immortals

It’s Swords and Sandals as you’ve never seen it. Brutal turn-based combat where gladiators can lose limbs, wield guitars and yell so loudly their foe’s heads will fall off. This is the most fun you’ll ever have in the arena, and it all starts here.

Finally, for the first time in over a decade, multiplayer combat returns to the world of Swords and Sandals. Be matched with and test your skills against real humans as you strive to be the greatest gladiator in the whole world. Rise in the leaderboards and prove once and for all who the best player of all time is.

Create a gladiator from one of dozens of races, make them a 7 foot undead giant with a battle axe or a tiny jelly bloob with a laser cannon. Your gladiator will be unlike any other, with deep skill trees and hundreds of weapons to craft and equip you will not face the horrors of the arena unprepared!

For a decade we wondered what happened to the Starbound Gladiator at the end of Swords and Sandals III… now all answers are revealed as the robotic Automatons return to Brandor with new space-age technology! Embark upon a massive new single player campaign in the form of Swords and Sandals VI, where you shall journey across the vast continent in search of fabled Arena Champions to defeat. Do battle in the scorching heat of the T’Kash desert, in the lonely abyssal caverns of the Forbidden Depths and in the great palaces of Phaetor itself.

Swords and Sandals Immortals Core Gameplay Features

  • Multiplayer mode! At last, battle player controlled gladiators from all over the world in online turn based combat!

  • Swords and Sandals VI : Continue the story from where S&S III left off as the Automatons return to Brandor with new challenges for our gladiators!

  • A single player adventure across Brandor featuring over 40 all new Arena Champions ( and some returning fan favourites )

  • Limb severing and decapitations! Sever arms and legs and keep on fighting as your gladiator finds the strength to endure

  • Create a gladiator your way. Customize everything from height and weight to facial features and hometown, the choice is yours. Will you be a powerful undead mandolin-wielding barbarian? A Sagan Blob archmage with the power to regenerate lost limbs?

  • Many new classes to choose, skills and talents to learn. Rain molten death from the skies, play guitar solos that shake the ground!

  • Craft and wield powerful weapons. Autocannons that shoot lightning, hand axes that drip poison or guitars that glow with fire!

  • Defeat your enemy using all new combat skills. Throw your weapons, even throw discarded healing potions. Whatever it takes to win!

  • An all new game engine for the first time in years! New special FX, particles, animations and music, created from the ground up with the Godot Engine.

This is indeed the greatest Swords and Sandals adventure ever. Grab your sword, equip your sandals. It’s time to take on the world and become an immortal.

Swords and Sandals Immortals on Steam