Reagan Gorbachev

Reagan Gorbachev

What a glorious game!

I got this game because of it’s relevance to history and politics…

I was shocked to find out this game is not only an interesting alternative history game,but its surprisingly stunning pixel art, great dialogue, a playable reskin mode with Trump and Putin, and weapons, make up a great game full of action and stealth. This game has trading cards and a load of achievements which are easily earned if you were to put extra time into this game. Don’t let the two-player playstyle discourage you. This game makes it run very smooth. Just play it for yourself, and you’ll see. Honestly I just want to go on and on about all the positives, but I can’t. It’d take too long. So let me leave you with this.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Stealth Games.

This game is beautiful, I really enjoy it. 10/10

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Reagan Gorbachev on Steam

Cold War Minister

Cold War Minister

You are one of the most powerful and influential people on Earth!

You are driven by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower led by one ruler.

As a result, you deal with significant influence, plenty of weight resting upon your shoulders, but powerful enemies, too.

So, how are you going to manage?

Keep your finger on the pulse thanks to many devices for recording and monitoring enemy movements. Options are many: sonar, radar, satellites, and scouts.

Take appropriate action to maintain your edge over your opponents.

Make use of your forces' potential and the assistance of your allies alike.

Manage your troops. You have a staff of generals, engineers, and seasoned operators ready to carry out your orders.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and war is no different. You have the means to get away from responsibilities and indulge in the pleasures your position offers like a true Russian!

Read More: Best 1980s Funny Games.

Cold War Minister on Steam

Not For Broadcast: Prologue

Not For Broadcast: Prologue

Wow! This game has some of the best potential I’ve seen in a game for a while now. I think this is coming from a standpoint that I have experienced working a tri-caster in college, but so far, its a really great story.

I think one thing I would like to see is being able to sabotage the broadcast a bit more than just losing viewers. Like for example, I would like to see some sort of scandal be released the next day or mission because we the player decided to show off some of the colorful behavior the actor shows to the his staff and the TV studio staff. I would also find it funny that during the press conference, that when you go to camera 1 where the staff is gathered watching, it would be funny if there was some sort of reaction.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Political Sim Games.

“Papers Please 2 : Media Control”

seriously. similar premise. do “boring-workstuff” in an “oppressive” place. reminds me instantly of that. But the good news is, this game is feels pretty fresh. Mainly because of the animations and better pixels, in comparison to the game I mentioned.

ok so since this is just a demo, i guess it’s better to write a feedback than reviewing the good points. But i’ll do both anyways.

(+) First, the gameplay is actually pretty interesting (read=multitasking-challenge). There’s quite a few mechanics in here, and even though this is just the demo I really got the pressure I thought I would. It might even be slightly more pressure than I expected. Guess I’ll explain what you DO, at least, in the demo:

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Not For Broadcast: Prologue on Steam

Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

REDSIDE episode 1

REDSIDE episode 1

In the exciting technotriller REDSIDE , the player will visit the Soviet side during the Cold War.

REDSIDE is a series of games related to one plot, characters, events and the universe. I present to your attention REDSIDE episode 1 - the first game in the series.

During the operation to free Soviet citizens, the GRU special forces group receives information about the existence of an international channel for the supply of chemical weapons components. Intelligence assumes that someone is preparing a terrorist attack using a chemical warfare agent “Sarin”. Neither the targets of the terrorist attack, nor the executors, nor the customers are known, which means that the consequences of such an attack are unpredictable. In the context of a new round of the Cold War gaining momentum, such an attack could lead to the beginning of the Third World War. To prevent the worst scenario, the GRU uses all its capabilities and conducts a number of special operations around the world. Will it be in time?

  • A twisted plot will send the player to carry out missions in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The game takes place in 1996 in an alternate universe.

  • To solve a combat mission, the player has more than 20 types of weapons available, from pistols to grenade launchers and sniper rifles.

  • Where firearms are useless, ammunition and additional capabilities will cope with the task.

  • In addition to brute force, the player can use cunning - elements of tactics and stealth will help in this.

  • How long have you been hunting terrorists from a drone, riding armored vehicles, or blowing up enemy patrols? Special missions and minigames will make your adventure even more exciting.

REDSIDE episode 1 on Steam

Intelligence Trader

Intelligence Trader

I’ve been playing this for about 4 hours and I like it so far. It definitely feels like the game is unfinished and there’s more to come, but the basic premise of the game is clear.


Fun concept

Interesting story lines and missions

Nice graphics (I like the look of the agent photos)

Clear interface/map

Lots of potential for expansion by tying in the missions completed with the news headlines


A little unorganized. You can’t click on an agent placed in country and get information about them. When intel comes in to sell, you have to scroll around to figure out the highest bidder. (easily remedied with an icon indicating high and low price, or maybe highlighting with certain colors to shoe high or low)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Bought it hoping find something similar to Kremlingames products. Unfortunately realised that it’s too early to buy it. Started the game and understand nothing. Russian translation is not finished, in some places in place of words I saw just black strips… Surprise… Cannot return an agent back from a country to base. News are very interesting, but I’d like to see it in a new window. Time moves too slow. There is no explanation what is specialization of agents.

Perhaps it’s only in Russian version, didn’t play English one. Hope to see something remarkable and interesting in future)

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Intelligence Trader on Steam

Super vs. World

Super vs. World

Its a cool 2D multiplayer game where you have to headstomp on on other players or get weapon/powerups from boxes to decrease their size and kill them.

There are many mode in this game like last standing wins, most kills wins, capture the area and more..

There are more then 100 challenges to complete for single player and a lot of character

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Super vs. World on Steam

Red Button

Red Button

fun short

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

usa are cracked

add more stuff

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Red Button on Steam