Abtos Covert

Abtos Covert

“Abtos Covert man, I’m tellin' you. Easiest post there is, just a few nights and you’re off the hook. Only the outpost, a small shrine and the rest of the forest can be seen…

What did you say? Strange shadows? Weird sounds? Paranormal activities? Those are just legends, bedtime stories man! There’s no way there is stuff like that out there!”

About Abtos

Abtos Covert is a survival horror game in which you play the role of a soldier keeping guard on a remote outpost out in the woods. You must keep your wits while searching for the truth. Fend off the mysterious entities attacking the outpost, find clues from previous soldiers that had the same shift and survive every night. Things will only get harder as you progress, so stay vigilant. Can you survive every night and discover the truth behind the stories, or will you become part of the legend?


  • A realistic scenery, deep in the woods.

  • Make use of the unique equipment of the Abtos Covert outpost.

  • Alarm system with movement sensors will warn you of any outside threats.

  • Defend yourself using the spotlights or hide inside the lockers.

  • Listen carefully for any sounds. Danger may already be inside the outpost.

  • Each enemy is unique. Learn how to confront each one of them.

  • Survive the night shifts while you search for clues.

  • Something happened in the outpost before. A story is to be uncovered.

  • Don’t relax, ever! Each night will feel harder and harder.


Well soldier, seems like you’re that guy. You drew the short straw and now you are to be stationed in the Abtos Covert outpost, a place commonly known for being quiet. But the moment it actually happens, the rest of the platoon is whispering: “Haven’t you heard the stories?”, “…heard someone disappeared there…".The stories about that place are innumerable. Human sacrifices, shadows running in the trees and souls still lost that sing a dreary song. When you ask your superior, he just laughs it off…

Read More: Best 1980s Dark Games.

Abtos Covert on Steam

Möbius Front ‘83

Möbius Front ‘83

I think this is my first Steam review; I watched a talk from Zach and he said that he takes feedback seriously so I figured, why not?

I love Zachtronics’ coding games, and I also love turn-based wargames, so I was pretty excited for this one. Unfortunately I think they’ve missed the mark this time. There’s a lot to like, but while it has the pleasing simplicity of games like Into the Breach (single-digit numbers for health, damage, range, and speed, grid map, etc.) it lacking some of the elegance.

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Cold War Games.

Möbius Front 83 is a simple and good game. Yet to finish it, but played enough of it to say what I think.


  • Great presentation, graphics is aesthetically pleasing, great animations of units – I love how dust animation is used to indicate direction of movement of vehicles.

  • Outstanding sound design. Muffled sound of weapon fire and explosion sound like you hear weapons firing in the distance or if, like I imagine it would be to hear sound of weapons firing while you sit in an armoured vehicle.

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

Möbius Front '83 on Steam

Steel Thunder

Steel Thunder

America’s four best battle tanks versus Russia’s top combat armor.

Lead an elite tank crew in one of four frontline U.S. tanks of the Cold War era, including the M60A3, M48A5 Patton, M3 Bradley CFV, and the devastating M1A1 Abrams. Select the best vehicle, weapons loadout, and crew members to suit your mission, then assume the roles of Commander, Driver, and Gunner in an indomitable war machine that rolls out of the west like steel thunder. Rise through the ranks as you build a career across missions on multiple fronts in this meticulously detailed and action-focused classic military sim.

  • Fight countless battles on 21 missions in 3 major theaters of operation: Cuba, Syria and West Germany

  • Master authentic firing sequences and military land strategy while deploying sophisticated tools like smokescreens and thermal gunsights

  • Issue commands and requests to other crew members from each seat, or take each role yourself in real-time combat

  • View the action from immersive in-tank perspectives at each seat

Read More: Best 1980s Retro Games.

Steel Thunder on Steam

Full Metal Sergeant

Full Metal Sergeant

You have 12 weeks to turn the recuits into soldiers!

Set up your training plan. Each exercise will affect a characteristic of the recruits. Watch their stamina, if it drops too much the exercise will not be effective. Unlock new and more advanced trainings with Prestige Points.

Raise the level of your soldiers. The stronger they are, the more Prestige Points your boot camp will gain. Try to get them qualified as a diver or paratrooper.

Another way to accumulate Prestige is to beat other schools in competitions. Do you have the right recruit to challenge the Navy in a swimming competition? Or a sniper rifle challenge maybe?

Full Metal Sergeant on Steam

VR Museum

VR Museum

A tremendous power lies in VR. Anything you imagine, anywhere you dream, any time you envision - it can get you there.

Have you ever wondered what the Handley-Page 42 looked like in real life? Or what size was a Messerschmitt Me-323 Gigant? Or Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? All of them are long since gone, but with the incredible power of virtual reality they can be brought back to life. And this is what the VR Museum was created for.

There are many great inventions that are only known from drawings and blurry photos. And many of them are already 3D-modelled and scattered around the net. The idea behind the VR Museum is to locate them, refurb if necessery, and show here for everyone to see. Starting from airplanes, the Museum’s collection will grow to become more interdisciplinary in the future.

VR Museum on Steam

Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62’, 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

REDSIDE episode 1

REDSIDE episode 1

In the exciting technotriller REDSIDE , the player will visit the Soviet side during the Cold War.

REDSIDE is a series of games related to one plot, characters, events and the universe. I present to your attention REDSIDE episode 1 - the first game in the series.

During the operation to free Soviet citizens, the GRU special forces group receives information about the existence of an international channel for the supply of chemical weapons components. Intelligence assumes that someone is preparing a terrorist attack using a chemical warfare agent “Sarin”. Neither the targets of the terrorist attack, nor the executors, nor the customers are known, which means that the consequences of such an attack are unpredictable. In the context of a new round of the Cold War gaining momentum, such an attack could lead to the beginning of the Third World War. To prevent the worst scenario, the GRU uses all its capabilities and conducts a number of special operations around the world. Will it be in time?

  • A twisted plot will send the player to carry out missions in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The game takes place in 1996 in an alternate universe.

  • To solve a combat mission, the player has more than 20 types of weapons available, from pistols to grenade launchers and sniper rifles.

  • Where firearms are useless, ammunition and additional capabilities will cope with the task.

  • In addition to brute force, the player can use cunning - elements of tactics and stealth will help in this.

  • How long have you been hunting terrorists from a drone, riding armored vehicles, or blowing up enemy patrols? Special missions and minigames will make your adventure even more exciting.

REDSIDE episode 1 on Steam



Worshipping its inspirations, yet being a unique game

What to expect?

If you are at the age of about 30+, »UnMetal« might have gotten your attention due to its graphical similarities with the top-down »Metal Gear« games (MSX2, NES, GameBoy), and »UnMetal« plays very much like those: While escaping from your prison cell, which you were thrown into for »a crime you didn’t commit«, you explore your surroundings and stumble upon files about an imminent terrorist action you then try to prevent. Sneak around your opponents, distract them, knock them out with your bare hands or even shoot them (but with a catch), use mine detectors and nightvision goggles, disable surveillance devices and so on. In contrast to the aforementioned »Metal Gear« games, »UnMetal« follows a rather humorous approach while referencing iconic scenes from its inspirations. To get a first impression, I recommend playing the free demo.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

I first heard about this game a couple months ago and was interested when I saw the retro NES Metal Gear style game play. I played the demo and loved the humor in it. I was excited to give it a go when the game came out and it did not disappoint. The gameplay is great. My only complaint about it is that at times, it’s hard to get right up behind somebody to punch them if you’re approaching them vertically without alerting them. It’s probably more to do with the 2D design than anything else but I had to knock a slight point off for that. Fortunately, after the first few chapters, you get chloroform which you can hold from a greatest distance so you won’t run into that issue again.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

UnMetal on Steam

Mainframe Defenders

Mainframe Defenders

After playing this for 22 hours, I must say it has been one hell of a ride. Its a nostalgia trip back to XCOM without having to worry about cover but more on your current position. At the highest difficulty, the limits of your tactical prowess are tested to its limits. You need to shoot and advance/retreat at the same time constantly. Thankfully while this is a roguelike, for now, you can return to the main menu and retry again. Why go for the easy mission when you could strive for the harder ones and reward yourself for the hard work?

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

A great little tactics game with lots of style and a fair deal more depth than would first appear on the surface.

Its visuals are stellar, if you’re into the retro style, with plenty of very satisfying little animations and effects. The menus, explosions, and gunfire all look and feel amazing. Perhaps not as stylish as something like Cogmind, but definitely in the same wheelhouse.

The audio is fantastic, with really nice oldschool techno beats that feel straight out of synthwave cyberpunk fare, alongside unique sound effects for just about every gun and enemy in the game.

Real player with 41.8 hrs in game

Mainframe Defenders on Steam

Tiny Combat Arena

Tiny Combat Arena

What is the experience of Tiny Combat Arena?

Tiny Combat Arena is a labor-of-love combat flight simulator that aims to strike the perfect balance between a simulator and an approachable, customizable, air combat experience. All executed in a stylized look representing a fictional Cold War-era conflict.

Sim-lite combat flight model

Tiny Combat Arena is all about the fun factor of flying, dogfighting, and close air support. Simulation elements are added to the game in service of creating engaging and deep gameplay, never just for the sake of realism. Simulation inspired mechanics, such as boosting a missile’s range by launching from above your target, create a new range of tactics for you to explore.

Quick Mission Builder

Tiny Combat Arena lets you jump in and fly by quickly assembling various types of missions. Take a placid stroll around beautiful scenery, configure a team vs team dogfight against aircraft of your choosing, or strike objectives with ground units to attack and support.

Arena Mode

Plan your moves on the strategic map; pick objectives, identify threats, choose which units to support, and where to make a difference. There is a war going on around you, and your participation will affect its outcome.

Detailed and useful database

The in-game database provides players with not only detailed statistics on vehicles, aircraft, and weapons, but also to give tactical guidance on how to approach different aircraft and respond to different threats.

Tiny Combat Arena on Steam