Queerskins: a love story

Queerskins: a love story

This left a bad taste in my mouth.

There just wasn’t enough time for reflection or enough moments to challenge the perspective that is being driven into us (that being Gay is wrong because it is against God). I suspect (hope) the intention was to prompt reflection and thought, but in a 15 minute 360 video, there is no opportunity for this, and the developers don’t fuel it at all.

The result, whether intentional or not, is a mess of bigotry and “cruel and irreligious piety.” I hate this. It should be withdrawn until it can be amended so that it isn’t provoking hate. I have reported it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Experimental Games.

game bad and about hating gays

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Queerskins: a love story on Steam

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film

A short interactive horror movie about religion - You are in charge of a murderous priest that kills people with his bible. Absolutely hilarious, and I loved the awesome soundtrack of this game.


Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Multiple Endings Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #65 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

The theme of religion has been flagging up for me as of late and I sure hope it’s not a sign from above… The only other similarly themed horror game that I’ve reviewed was Lucius but that was about inflicting pain being inspired by the Omen films. It would be fine, had it not Intersect with another sub-genre I had NO prior experience at all (ZILCH)- FMV games! Hold for shock… I have come across many on Steam, but not once did I see the appeal behind them- if I wanted to watch something…you know where I’m going with this!?

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Wrath Of The Violent Vicar - Interactive Film on Steam

Queen of Seas

Queen of Seas

I like this game. The pixelart and the premise of the game is well done. The story is neat in itself. The gameplay is simplistic but rewarding. You can feel your own evolution in this underwater adventure.

The controls are simple. Move left and right with arrows, Spacebar is to jump and down on the arrow key is a ducking motion. Avoid sharks that spawn from the right side of the screen and jellyfish that spawn underneath you. Move about 2000 clicks and find you a topless mermaid (Don’t even, low pixels and artstyle, nothing “graphic”). Give it a flower and farm coins for levels.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Underwater Games.

A fun arcade platformer for a couple of hours in which we play as the son of a fisherman in order to get to the Queen of the Seas - Yemanjá.

We will begin to overcome obstacles immediately under water, in a diver’s suit. The path is always one (to the right) and the distance to the cherished goal is also (2000 meters). The meters are “counted” right on the screen, which is very convenient, you can always see how much remains to go. Only a few types of enemies will interfere with the journey: sharks and jellyfish.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Queen of Seas on Steam