My Night Job

My Night Job

Cartoon-styled side-scrolling beat’em up game with surprisingly complex and challenging mechanic.

Basically, you’re dropped just outside of some big mansion, filled with respawning monsters and “civilians”, as well as some items you can use as weapons - from umbrellas and chairs to gas baloons and everyone’s favourite - the Chainsaw!

In short, you beat monsters, gather people and led them to rescue (helipads on the edges of the mansion). For each rescue you collect some goodness, like healthkits, guns with ammo etc. After you rescue 100 people, your main goal changing to blow up the mansion, by settling some C4 in the basement. Meanwhile, as you running back and forth through the area, the monsters are growing their numbers, and if they reach some trigger point, they starting to tear the mansion apart - yeah, before you’ll be able to save everyone and leave the place.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Arcade Games.

If you think I missed something in my review feel free to tell me

My Night Job

My Night Job is a tribute to the classics of horror and is a nice paying occupation if you somehow live through the job. I will add a TL;DR at the end.


My Night Job is fairly simple as your goal is to save 100 survivors from an abandoned mansion as you are also trying to make sure you do not die and hope that the mansion is not destroyed by its monstrous guests. Do this by using various environmental objects to kill the monsters. This is not an easy game by far and there are tributes to classics all around the mansion. The tributes include the different areas of the mansion and six special survivors you can recuse which give you certain bonuses. An example of one of these is the girl from the ring which you can rescue through one of the televisions within the residence.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

My Night Job on Steam

Super Grave Snatchers

Super Grave Snatchers

Raise the dead. Kill people. Raise them, too.

There are also spells like fireballs and soul tornadoes, if you don’t want your minions to have all of the fun.

Campaign is not long, but there’s a sandbox mode and a survival mode that you can unlock, also.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Villain Protagonist Games.

Super Grave Snatchers is a short, beautifully retro, necromantically witty and very engaging game.

The controls are simple enough, and fairly intuitive. On higher difficulties, the length of the game makes the creative permadeath fun rather than a chore (I recommend at least 2 Cheat Death items, because you basically have 1 HP). On lower difficulties, well, it’s a blast to just run around necromant-ing everything in sight. :D

As for the musical score - ::chef’s kiss::

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Super Grave Snatchers on Steam

Putin kills: Christmas

Putin kills: Christmas

Putin Kills: Christmas fucked my wife


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s First-Person Games.

This is a really good game. The story is unmatched amongst any game I’ve ever seen and very thought out. I loved the music which accompanied me in each uniquely designed level. The enemies you encounter are perfectly balanced and you actually become stronger throughout the levels.When I heard there was another part of this game series I immediately knew I had to get it. Luckily a friend gifted me “Putin kills: Coronavirus” just like this amazing title before that.

However, there is one negative critique. After I reached level 6 and fought my way through terrorists, robots and viruses, I stumbled upon a problem. The map didn’t work and only showed a black picture. And then I noticed something: There was no way out of level 6. I checked every room and even drew my own map in paint, you cannot leave level 6. So if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Putin kills: Christmas on Steam

Rock ‘n’ Roll Will Never Die!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Will Never Die!

For some of us, the 1980s never ended. The true scene veterans persevered through the changing trends in music, fashion and common decency, keeping glam rock alive through sheer stubbornness and detachment from reality. When one of the least successful bands in hair metal decides it’s time for a comeback, no one is safe. They may have put on a few pounds and lost some of their graying hair, but their rocking power and sex appeal are still… Uh, as questionable as ever? But this time they’re sure to make it big. This time rock ‘n ‘roll will never die!

Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! on Steam

Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess

Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess

New Twists on the Helicopters You Loved

Megacopter blends 80s/90s retro games (Choplifter, Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike) and TV (Airwolf, Knight Rider) with updated gameplay and sci-fi adventure.


  • Missions: Play a variety of mission types. Seek and destroy missions feature an escalating threat level as you penetrate enemy lines. Rescue missions allow you to save your comrades (choplifter style). Defense missions feature waves of enemies. Boss hunt missions feature a powerful enemy.

  • 2D Action: Battle enemies on the ground and in the air. Equip the Megacopter with a loadout of weapon systems that can rearm independently. Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash powerful AZ-TECH: ancient weaponry and armor that only the Megacopter can wield.

  • Progression: Purchase improvements to the Megacopter and its weapons that suite your play style and preferred loadout. Sacrifice the blood of your enemies to the gods to unlock AZ-TECH abilities.

  • Adventure: Meet the sentient Megacopter, Jack the Pilot, Hobo Jones and his crew, and many more.

  • Soundtrack: Original soundtrack by OGRE sound. These amazing retro tracks will get you in the mood to seek and destroy.

Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess on Steam

Creepy Pizza Arcade

Creepy Pizza Arcade

so good i love this game it so good game good so good

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game



Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Creepy Pizza Arcade on Steam

Zombie Soup

Zombie Soup


Zombie Soup is a top-down action shooter with a quirky twist on the classic zombie genre that follows a young college freshman named Ricky who inadvertently finds himself thrown into an unexpected adventure as he shoots his way to save a kidnapped girl in a town overrun by zombies and monsters!


Find and collect vintage items scattered across the town for some nostalgic blast to the past!


Choose to get out of your way to help any townspeople you find or stay focused on your objectives! But be warned, you only get one chance!


Listen to goofy and sarcastic conversations between characters, with fully dubbed voice-overs!


Put your shooting and dodging skills to the ultimate test against swarms of surprisingly quick zombies and monsters, all hungry for your brain!


Encounter ridiculously tough bosses with bizarre abilities that will certainly challenge all your skills!


Upgrade and customize your loadouts and equip powerful perks to help mow down larger hordes of zombies!


Unlock and discover an arsenal of different weapons from trusty shotguns to outrageous peculiar weapons with special effects that deal insane amounts of damage!

Zombie Soup on Steam

Professor Crackbrain - And the awakening of the weredog

Professor Crackbrain - And the awakening of the weredog

Professor Crackbrain is about to finish his evil experiment.

Creating a beast so vicious that the world lives in fear and terror. A Weredog!

The last missing ingredient to awake the Weredog is … a dog.

Jay, his dog Bobby and his friends Jerry and Mike having a good time at the playground. But things are changing quickly, when Professor Crackbrain’s assistant Rogy shows up to kidnap Bobby.

Immediately, Jay, Jerry and Mike forge out a plan to sneak into the Crackbrain Mansion and come to the rescue of Bobby.

Professor Crackbrain - and the awakening of the weredog is a classic point & click adventure game full of nostalgic allusions, pixelish puzzles and chiptunish music.

What others say about the game:

“Can you please stop programming and spend some time with me and the kids” - my wife

“Looks like you couldn’t afford a photoshop license so you did pixel art, right?" - my brother


  • Ultra high-res pixel art

  • A unique chance to rescue a dog in an adventure game, instead of poisoning them. (But you may poison other animals in this game.)

  • Finally you can sneak in a mansion again ;-)

  • Three playable characters - Jay, Mike & Jerry

  • Chiptune soundtrack

  • Littered with allusions and eastereggs

  • “At least one joke will land” guarantee

  • German & English language support

Cast (Voice Actors):

Professor Crackbrain - Leigh Harvey

Rogy - Leigh Harvey

Surveiling Officer - Leigh Harvey

Mom - Vivian Reed

others - AI for now

Professor Crackbrain - And the awakening of the weredog on Steam



A simple story about a simple man, that just wants his everyday routine not to be ruined. A story, that many of us could tell.

Once you’ll start to play Dave, you will soon find out that there is a quite some background for this well made tribute to a Pac-man like games. I was simply amazed with the amount of all the dialogues, options, hidden jokes and obvious puns, all accompanied with great chiptune music. The music itself makes a huge work here as well, as many times I have just realized that I am humming the tones along with my head nodding to the rhythm.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Dave-Man is a charming retro-style game that taught me to despise anyone named Cathy! (for real, there is something very satisfying about getting caught out by her for the 15th time and exclaiming ‘GOSHDARNIT CATHY’ while smacking your desk).The gameplay is heckin fun, reminds me of my terrible attempts at Pac-Man when I was a wee lad but with cool extra stuff like online shopping and cats!!!The music is delightful, love the chiptune sound and it is there to comfort you when you inevitably get caught because you tried the hardest difficulty room.The end of a run is a really nice touch too, I won’t spoil it but it made me genuinely laugh.Overall I’d super recommend, and honestly it’s a steal for the price. It’s cheaper than a coffee from Costbucks for Christ’s sake and it comes with janitorial friendship!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Dave-Man on Steam

Endless Furry Ping-Pong

Endless Furry Ping-Pong

redponei is the best artist on e621

change my mind

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Very competitive! Im in the top 3 now but it wont take long and someone else is better. You should play it at least once to be part of the big furry game.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Endless Furry Ping-Pong on Steam