Putin kills: Christmas

Putin kills: Christmas

Putin Kills: Christmas fucked my wife


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s First-Person Games.

This is a really good game. The story is unmatched amongst any game I’ve ever seen and very thought out. I loved the music which accompanied me in each uniquely designed level. The enemies you encounter are perfectly balanced and you actually become stronger throughout the levels.When I heard there was another part of this game series I immediately knew I had to get it. Luckily a friend gifted me “Putin kills: Coronavirus” just like this amazing title before that.

However, there is one negative critique. After I reached level 6 and fought my way through terrorists, robots and viruses, I stumbled upon a problem. The map didn’t work and only showed a black picture. And then I noticed something: There was no way out of level 6. I checked every room and even drew my own map in paint, you cannot leave level 6. So if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Putin kills: Christmas on Steam

Stranded 2

Stranded 2

The absolute worst game I have ever played. Complete horse sh*t.

I grew up on text based games so real excited about this but wouldn’t recommend to my enemies.

For $3 I’ll keep just in case it is ever actually playable.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Interactive Fiction Games.

Not just a text adventure. There’s art, sound and also has an advanced parser as you can see from the trailer. The puzzles are fun and challenging. Plus, as a bonus, you also get Zenobi Software’s Stranded 1 along with it (playable in the accompanied Spectrum emulator).

I do recommend reading the manual, even if you have played many text adventures before this one. It has tips and new features which you really don’t want to miss out on.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Stranded 2 on Steam

Object Ward.

Object Ward.

Meet Manson Moss, a schizophrenic man who sees everyone with an inanimate object for a head. Due to a certain ‘incident’, he is sentenced to mandatory rehabilitation in one of New York’s most ill-managed psych wards in the year of 1986. He plots his escape, but the eccentric occupants of the Ward can’t let him leave—so they get a little friendly with him instead. Help Manson navigate love, psychosis, and countless misadventures in this dark comedy visual novel, Object Ward.


  • 4 male and 2 female love interests

  • 21 endings with choices that matter

  • Horrible puns

  • Partial voice acting

  • 1800x1200 resolution

  • Over 30 CGs and a fully original soundtrack!


Read More: Best 1980s Psychological Games.

Object Ward. on Steam



A simple story about a simple man, that just wants his everyday routine not to be ruined. A story, that many of us could tell.

Once you’ll start to play Dave, you will soon find out that there is a quite some background for this well made tribute to a Pac-man like games. I was simply amazed with the amount of all the dialogues, options, hidden jokes and obvious puns, all accompanied with great chiptune music. The music itself makes a huge work here as well, as many times I have just realized that I am humming the tones along with my head nodding to the rhythm.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Dave-Man is a charming retro-style game that taught me to despise anyone named Cathy! (for real, there is something very satisfying about getting caught out by her for the 15th time and exclaiming ‘GOSHDARNIT CATHY’ while smacking your desk).The gameplay is heckin fun, reminds me of my terrible attempts at Pac-Man when I was a wee lad but with cool extra stuff like online shopping and cats!!!The music is delightful, love the chiptune sound and it is there to comfort you when you inevitably get caught because you tried the hardest difficulty room.The end of a run is a really nice touch too, I won’t spoil it but it made me genuinely laugh.Overall I’d super recommend, and honestly it’s a steal for the price. It’s cheaper than a coffee from Costbucks for Christ’s sake and it comes with janitorial friendship!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Dave-Man on Steam

Death by Refund

Death by Refund


After having accidentally glued two guns to his hands, private detective Frederick Ugarte is visited by a mysterious woman. She hires him to retreive some jewels from her abusive ex-husband. Sadly things don’t go exactly as planned for Ugarte. Is this due to his incompetence or is he being set up?


In this minimalist 2D hard-boiled detective shooter you won’t be distracted by overly complicated upgrade systems, there’s no useless skill points or skill trees, there’s not a gazillion different guns that are basically reskins of one and the same gun, it’s just you and your guns and you shoot and shoot and talk and shoot and shoot and shoot and talk and































Death by Refund on Steam

Endless Furry Ping-Pong

Endless Furry Ping-Pong

redponei is the best artist on e621

change my mind

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Very competitive! Im in the top 3 now but it wont take long and someone else is better. You should play it at least once to be part of the big furry game.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Endless Furry Ping-Pong on Steam

The Phantom Fellows

The Phantom Fellows

Oliver Cobblestone can communicate with a dead- not the dead, but rather one Englebert Picklebender. Together they investigate the paranormal to bring peace to occupant spirits and haunted hosts alike.

Share laughs with the living and deceased in this point-and-click comedy adventure while attending to specters who haunt your clientele. Use Oliver’s incredible ability to, um, be alive, and Englebert’s capacity for the incorporeal to fulfill agreements with the respiratorily challenged. Oh! but the breather paying you will need physical proof you’ve done anything at all, and how will you get something out of nothing? Call your closest pal, take your deepest breath, and stumble headlong into the unknown on a personal journey of social entanglement and brotherhood beyond the veil.

As you pass a week with the Phantom Fellows, you’ll encounter many spirits. Some yearn to be reunited with a possession, others wish to commence their eternal repose, and of course a few simply enjoy a good haunting. Between spooks you’ll also meet many warm-bodied breathers (for better or worse), and all the while a shadowy, malicious spirit will lurk near Oliver for a dearly personal reason.

  • Hand-drawn pixel art and animations

  • Completely interactive- take control of the characters!

  • Switch between Oliver and Englebert! Sometimes being dead has its perks. Maybe.

  • Play through eight days, explore each new location, negotiate with ghosts, sweet talk the living, and perform slapdash acts of tomfoolery!

  • Revisit locations from previous days any time after Day 3 and discover more answers! or questions?

  • Some puzzles have alternate solutions as the ending has an alternate of its own

Please Note The demo does not feature a soundtrack. We decided to best serve the game itself, a score will be written for it in its entirety. So instead of putting placeholder music in the demo we decided to just kindly suggest you put on some of your favorite tunes, get comfortable and enjoy The Phantom Fellows demo!

The Phantom Fellows on Steam

Rock ‘n’ Roll Will Never Die!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Will Never Die!

For some of us, the 1980s never ended. The true scene veterans persevered through the changing trends in music, fashion and common decency, keeping glam rock alive through sheer stubbornness and detachment from reality. When one of the least successful bands in hair metal decides it’s time for a comeback, no one is safe. They may have put on a few pounds and lost some of their graying hair, but their rocking power and sex appeal are still… Uh, as questionable as ever? But this time they’re sure to make it big. This time rock ‘n ‘roll will never die!

Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! on Steam

A Twisted Tale

A Twisted Tale

About the game

Discover a humouristic point and click adventure inspired by all the masterpieces which made us stick to our computers back in the day (and therefore we played outside way too infrequently). Full of loony characters, unexpected twists and challenging riddles.

Accompany Vio on her unintentional journey through various realms. Explore broken cities, pirate ships in the deepest jungle and other unreal places. Stand by her side when she makes the acquaintance of the (depressive) Death and engage with lots of explicit and ambiguous references, hommages and imitations of the big classics past (and not quite past) times.

We are a bit vintage - therefore we draw our background art the old-fashioned way with paper, pencil and ink. Colorizing is done digitally - this way we leave less colorful smudges on our desks.

Key features

  • Hand-drawn traditionally and digitally created graphics in 4K/Ultra HD

  • Classic frame by frame animation

  • 1-click interface

  • Female main character

  • An undead deuteragonist (depressive Death)

  • Lots of explicit and ambiguous references, hommages and imitations of the big classics

  • Even more comical, thrilling and unique characters

  • Weird humor and retro-vibes

  • Varying worlds and twisted settings

  • Extensive story and classical complex riddles

  • Decisions affecting the game

  • Alternative endings

A Twisted Tale on Steam

Slayaway Camp

Slayaway Camp

Total impulse buy. The game was on sale for cheap and I didn’t even finish reading the description. Probably not the best method of purchasing a game,, but I lucked out.

This is a puzzle game. Now, I normally don’t play puzzle games, so I don’t have the biggest library of game knowledge to compare this to, but it reminds me of a cross between Hitman Go and one of those flash games where you try to get the car out of a parking lot, or into a certain spot in a parking lot, etc.,. Each level is a static checkerboard, and pressing in any direction will send your character, the murderer, as far in that direction as he can possibly go. The result is that you have to shift your character around using the level layout in order to reach some harder to get to squares. The game teaches you the mechanics in the beginning tutorial and then gradually ramps up the difficulty as you progress, adding more enviromental factors and different types of NPCs.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

This might just be one of my favorite puzzle games of recent times. Something about the 80’s horror movie vibe and voxel character gore has a lot of charm to it. In a way this is like the Broforce of puzzle games, and by that I mean, being able to play all of these classic villians, monsters, and creatures from your favorite horror films and slasher flicks instead of action movies. The humor of this game is spot on with the cheesiness of 80’s slashers, and almost everything is a comedic homage to them or other well known horror movies.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Slayaway Camp on Steam