Play as Guro, a swordmaster trying to escape reality by submerging herself into the deepest layers of the cyberspace and hack and slash your way through warped dimensions in this story-driven character action filled with bizarre spectacle.


Your main mission as a bog-slogger is to traverse and conquer the TECHNOBOG, the treacherous amalgamation of collective unconscious and your own past life experiences. Piece together the puzzle that is Guro’s story in these mercurial realms.


  • Aim your strike and slice any obstacle in your path in any way you desire

  • Transform into a beam of light

  • Grow a tentacle arm

  • Teleport onto your weaponry

  • Let your spirit engine roar as you summon your steed made out of steel

  • Progress through the world non-linearly. Every turn is the right turn if you’re ready for it.

  • No mercy. Slogging through the bog is not for the faint of heart

  • Made by one person


Get ready to explore the TECHNOBOG with all its layers. From the sci-fi chambers inspired by the classics of the 80s to the colorful toxic grasslands.

Read More: Best 1980s Combat Games.


Blood Metal

Blood Metal

I wanna love this game, because the potential is limitless.

But unfortunately it’s just not there yet. It hasn’t even slightly reached that point and I am 100% confident that they know this. Drakeling Labs is truly testing the patience of all of those who wish so desperately to hang onto hope.

The acquisition of this game is not only questionable at best, but damn near a hostile takeover. Yes, you were within your legal rights, yes, the developer did some things wrong as well, but this isn’t how you treat a fucking passion project. This just ain’t it chief.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Gore Games.

This game had a ton of potential. Its in a pretty rough stage at this point, there isnt even control settings. After bodies pile up a little bit it seems to drag, but other then that the gore models are awesome. Would like to see some improved blood textures as the 2D puddles often render above the ground and looks bad. I would recommend this game if you are a gore hound and want to support a small team.

EDIT 1 The new update solves the 2D blood puddle problem and looks much better, however there is no blood splatter textures that show up on walls. Also, bodies disappear quickly before they can be mulched up. Enjoying the progress so far!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Blood Metal on Steam

Maximum Action

Maximum Action

I’ve been playing this game for a couple years now and despite little there may be in terms of content i cant help but come back time and time again. Despite the game being incomplete this is some of the most fun gameplay/gunplay i’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing, that really have been showcased in the newer or updated levels. The way this game has grown over time has been such a pleasure to experience. Even when i first started playing it was easy to have a blast but as more content is added it just gets better and better. My absolute favorite improvement has the levels. The newer updated levels feel so fleshed out and despite being linear (which i think assists the gameplay) has such fun flow and pacing. There may be only a few right now that really entertain but im more than looking forward to more,

Real player with 125.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Gore Games.

Originally, I refunded.

Let me start over. Originally I loved the videos on the Maximum Action Steam profile page. Loved the looks! Violent. Bloody. GORY. Guns. Bullet time. What’s not to love? Well, the controls, the graphics, and the movement. Those don’t seem so great… So I refunded this game.

Then time set in. You know the saying, “You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.”

I recalled the short time I gave Max Action a chance and did miss it. But I tried to move on with my life. Less than a week later, I was jonsing for another shot, but definitely not Max Action. So I played Max Payne 3. Not good enough. Fired up Max Payne 1. Closer.

Real player with 73.2 hrs in game

Maximum Action on Steam

Shoot To Kill

Shoot To Kill

SHOOT TO KILL is a single player retro FPS inspired by the violence and pace of shooters of the past. Harkening back to the violence of F.E.A.R. and visceral gore systems of the Soldier of Fortune games, all taking place in a brutalist neo-futuristic setting.

Take on hordes of soldiers and experiments created by an authoritarian military group in the dystopian future of 2140. A new World War is beginning to unfold. It is now up to you and your skills as a combat expert to eradicate the authoritarian ANKERKORP, and save everyone you love.


  • Eviscerate enemies in beautiful slow motion, using dismemberment to stay alive.

  • Use movement abilities like dashing to zip away from bullets and attacks

  • Break down enemies into red meaty chunks using the detailed and disgusting gore system

  • Relive the feel of the classic early 2000’s shooters with a fast pace and violent action

Shoot To Kill on Steam

Killer Ricky

Killer Ricky

very fun but need more levels and the gunplay might need a rework as its seems a bit delayed

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

A cool action game which has a lot of potential it reminds me of hotline miami only that it is a bit slower which is not bad the blood physics are best and pretty good the art style is also very good I’m looking forward to the other levels in the game to play and maybe a level editor comes into the game or a workshop for maps or mods that would be cool in any case, but otherwise it is absolutely worth the 4.99 good job

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Killer Ricky on Steam

RADical ROACH: Infinity

RADical ROACH: Infinity

The RADical irradiated little bug is BACK!!!

A Uniquely Radicalized Adventure Every Flight!

RADicalROACH: Infinity is a rogue-lite fast paced arcadey cucaracha deep space shooter. Play as the tiny 2inch hero once again and spit your way through to outer space and the Abyss to reach and destroy the beings that lurk at the edges of time.

Spit Glands: Utilize a variety of drool dripping Spit types. Unlock many different ways to spit on your enemies causing all kinds of corrosive problems for your invert nemesis.

Bile Glands: When spitting acidic juices at those in your way just isn’t enough, power up and release the explosive cauldron of energy from below with the multiple Bile types you can acquire.

Black Holes: Use the fabric of the universe to slow time and bring the speed of battle down to your advantage, then, at your will release its power eliminating all in its path.

Radicalizations, Perks & Modifiers: Between each level change the course of this galactic expedition by choosing one of a selection of randomised Perks & Radicalizations. Some modifiers will help and others will hinder ye' little roachs progress towards his goals of vengeance.

Game Modes: Multiple extra game modes to compliment the main campaign, from score chasing madness, splatting flies and an epic battle against a seemingly unsurmountable foe.

RADical ROACH: Infinity on Steam



Saw this on the new releases page for 5$ and said “why not”

Turns out it was a pretty good decision.

It’s a very simple game. Each level has basically the same objective. Bring back a set number of collectibles to the ship and then leave. Each level provides you with a weapon you also have to collect as it spawns randomly in the level most of the time. All of this to some pretty decent tunes.

You have a jetpack with fuel that replenishes slowly when on the ground and 3 hit points.

There are a few power up and gimmicks like a flying surfboard that has a flamethrower, a space worm that grows longer when it eats enemies or a UFO firing missiles for example. Those you can use yourself once you’ve killed the current owner

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Amazing game. Given key for the game to try out and so grateful for it. This game has great music and also really amazing level designs. Perfect retro style game. 10-10 Will be posting content for the game on my youtube channel and social media. Check out The_casualgam3r on Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Twitch.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

JETBOY on Steam

NORR part I: Ace Shot

NORR part I: Ace Shot

The first part in the “NORR” game series is about three people whose fates are intertwined in a bloody war for the crown of South Florida.

How far can a man go for money and power? Mason Brown, the protagonist of Ace Shot, is ready to do much to reach the top. He is ready for treachery, numerous murders, robberies and lies. But what price will he pay for it?

In an attempt to build a criminal empire, he kills almost everyone with whom he worked, but events unfold quite differently than he imagined. Power and money corrupt him and he becomes only the pitiful shadow of the man who was at the beginning of his journey.

To end the suffering of such a monster can only another monster. William. Bloodthirsty maniac that saves the world from other bloodthirsty maniacs for money. He is a true professional. He is clever, strong, and everyone who underestimated his ability to shoot instantly regretted it. William never lost in battle. He considers himself almost invulnerable, because of which his arrogance knows no bounds. He is pragmatic and ready to do anything in order to get what he needs.

Lester has always been too emotional and never knew how to understand people. Anyone else in his place would have noticed the changes that occurred with Mason, but not him. Lester followed him even in those moments when Mason’s mind was filled with thoughts of another betrayal. He was the last to stay close to the new king of South Florida, but this blind loyalty was the cause of his death.

Welcome to the 80s.

Game features:

▲ Bizarre PVP multiplayer

▲ Exciting co-op missions

▲ 3 main characters who have their strengths and weaknesses.

▲ Each of the 12 story chapters gives you new gameplay features.

▲ A lot of different enemies who couldn’t allow you to relax.

▲ You can check your skills in “survival” mode.

▲ Interesting bosses who needs its own approach.

▲ Lots of different weapons including special types that you can find only at certain levels.

NORR part I: Ace Shot on Steam

Vector Prospector

Vector Prospector

A very fun and replayable roguelite. This is one of the only games I’ve played in the past year that I actually wanted to get back into and play again!

The randomly generated levels give a new experience each time, and all the different enemies have their own interesting way of dealing with them.

I do think the gameplay has a few flaws in the balancing, particularly with the powerups, but overall it doesn’t impede the fun too much.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

A perfect blend of action combat, exploration and strategy in an incredibly simple package. This is one of the best examples of how a few basic ingredients can be combined to create a brilliant dish. Overall outstanding design and solid execution. GG!

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Vector Prospector on Steam



Arguably my favorite game going right now! Do you want to revisit old school game play? Check! Want a fun game to play in a Co-Op environment? Check! Want an awesome 80s style soundtrack? Check! How about a gruff and clueless boss to give you missions? Check! The mechanics are super solid, the graphics are perfect for the genre, and the game is challenging and fun! Especially when you’re sitting right next to your twin on the couch and THEY WON’T GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!!! This is an awesome indie game and it deserves your support. Would you rather spend $65+ on the latest MK title that is then gonna rip you off with a bunch of micro transactions or spend $15 on a full, brand new game, and support indie developers everywhere. I know which choice I made!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game


Review by Games for Lovers - only GOOD local co-op games!


You want to play something with your significant other?

I am not sure I want to recommend you this game - because it REALLY needs perfect cooperation, otherwise you will fail. And you will fail a lot… so this might be DANGEROUS for not-so-stable relationsships. You have been warned!

After a terrible accident, the body-parts of two dead police officers are stiched together to create ONE police officer. Legs, arms, even the brain… two players control each one side. Only cooperation lets you move, shoot, defuse bombs, drive cars and even SPEAK!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

TwinCop on Steam