Afterworld King

Afterworld King

Lucky me had the dubious honour of writing the first review for Afterworld King.

Afterworld King is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, GreatHopeStudio. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Puzzle Games.

Afterworld King on Steam

Aesthetic Arena

Aesthetic Arena

This game is just art.

The developers manage to encapsulate this by grinding my RTX 2080TI into dust with stunning 4k graphics which sadly cause my pc to run the game at -14 FPS. I am sure this could be a lack of NVIDIA driver support for this stunning game. I hope to save up £40,000 to buy a nasa super computer in the hopes I can run a stable 30 fps.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Atmospheric Games.

_**A e s t h e t i c   a r e n a is a game with beautiful textures, smooth play, and aesthetic vibes.

This little bunch of fun kept me entertained for the last few nights and is going to for many weird vibey nights to come.

I highly recommend, the price is cheap and the game is a great pick-me-up.**_

also fuck csgood :p

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Aesthetic Arena on Steam

Ant Force

Ant Force

Ant Force is a platformer/PvP brawler game made by the Russian group Trinity Project by filling out some game templates for GameMaker Studio, a game construction kit. No real serious development effort is involved in filling out game construction kit templates, and it results in very poor quality games, something Trinity Project have a solid reputation for.

It’s no surprise this was dumped into cheap, nasty DailyIndieGame bundles.

While a half-hearted attempt at making a playable video game was done here, as this is differentiated a little from most copy+paste template games, the quality is still deplorably low.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 1980s Physics Games.

Ant Force on Steam



its a pretty cool game

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Great game with a lot of potential, really hope it continues to grow.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Arbiter on Steam

Nuke Zone

Nuke Zone

Take command of the virtual cyber-tank of your dreams as you blast through swarms of unrelenting enemies and massive bosses, on your path to the final showdown with the Arbiter, a corrupted military AI gone rogue! Tweak your tank power and overclock your systems for maximum efficiency and persistent destruction through thrilling adrenaline-fueled missions!

Upgrade your cybertank’s arsenal with a powerful combination of weapons, ultimates and mods. Each run is different, with randomized levels, loot, enemies and gameplay mutators. Restart your run with new challenges for better rewards!

Get in the flow with the musically reactive environments of the Nuke Zone. Even the landscape has its own electronic heartbeat, tuned to the pulsing rhythms of synthwave superstars Stilz and The Encounter.

Nuke Zone is still in development, which means your feedback can have direct influence! We’d love to hear your suggestions in the Nuke Zone Steam Community Hub, or join us on Discord to chat with the Devs! Last but definitely not least, a massive Thank You for your feedback, for playing the demo and for wishlisting Nuke Zone! We appreciate your ongoing support!

Nuke Zone on Steam

Virtual Ricochet

Virtual Ricochet

What is the game where you lock yourself in a room to hit a ball really hard & hope it doesn’t hit you in the face? Racketball? It’s like that but with lazerbeams, laser guns & shooty drones in space.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Experienced on the Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

Virtual Ricochet is an interesting game as it has elements of your standard racketball game in VR mixed with a shooter. You teleport from floating platform to floating platform, dodge projectiles, return service on balls where you have to match color and shoot flying drones where you have to match the color.

You have a laser gun or scatter gun on one hand and a racket on the other. You can upgrade your weapons and your health. The game starts easy enough, then gets progressively harder as you have more floating platforms and more enemies.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Virtual Ricochet on Steam

Wave Shooter

Wave Shooter

Uhm, yeah.

The best features of this game are the gun sounds and the soundtrack and since said soundtrack consists of one single song, it does become annoying pretty fast.

Movement is clunky since there are many invisible obstacles blocking your path.

Pretty much anything about this game is tedious and it offers nothing to redeem that.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Another overseas indie developer relying on Google translate and having terrible grammar as a result.

…Another indie developer relying on pretty assets directly from the Unreal marketplace to make his game for him.

…..And the end result is another ridiculously over-priced game and a M.I.S.S. video and review from yours truly.

This might be acceptable as a first project to show off for free to friends and family and/or to get feedback from on itch or gamejolt. This is not something that be on Steam especially at an asking price of $16 USD! ..W T F !?

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Wave Shooter on Steam

Shoot Your Friends

Shoot Your Friends

“no” ~ IDK some guy in france probably?

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

As Lady Gaga once said, I live by those philosophies.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Shoot Your Friends on Steam

Shooty Skies Overdrive

Shooty Skies Overdrive

The VR version of the free2play title. There is so much colour! And so many things to unlock! VR really helps the mechanics shine as you feel like a kid playing with a toy aeroplane! Absolute Insanity!

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Have you ever pretended your hand is a plane/spaceship and zoomed it around going “pew! pew!” blowing up bad guys? Ever play a “bullet hell” game and thought it might be cool in full VR? Shooty Skies Overdrive let’s you play pretend again, and shows just how cool it can be. There are Power Ups to give your off-hand things to do (with full right/left handed support) and difficulty levels that live up to the name “Overdrive.” Progression, checkpoints and gameplay unlocks help keep things fresh, and let’s you tweak numbers to get the Power Ups you prefer. Nothing hugely sophisticated, but varied and hectic enough to keep me coming back for more. Bright but low-fi graphics means it runs like silk, even with a million bullets in your face.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Shooty Skies Overdrive on Steam



[0.1] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0.1] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 0.5/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: poorly designed plat-former = survival

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

CrazyDoc is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple retro platformer game.

GameMaker Studio is a very poor quality game construction kit, and results in terrible games like this one.

No professional effort was made in terms of game development, using a game construction kit requires no game development talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

CrazyDoc on Steam